Tag: toys and games

Bob the Builder Super Scrambler DVD

Bob the Builder Super Scrambler DVD

Bob the Builder is back in an all-new super-sized building adventures with a new DVD being released on August 16th, 2011 from Lionsgate and HIT Entertainment. Bob the Builder and his machine team lay a foundation for super-sized adventures in the all-new Bob the Builder: 

Tonka Chuck & Friends Race Along Chuck

Tonka Chuck & Friends Race Along Chuck

I have been a big fan of Hasbro and Playskool products since my daughter (who is now 26 years old) was a little girl and now that I am a grandmother, I look for both of these brands when I am shopping for toys for 

Checkmath Board Game by Educational Insights

Checkmath Board Game by Educational Insights

Today I would like to introduce you to the company called Educational Insights based out of Southern California. Educational Insights is the manufacturer of playful products with serious educational value, including subject-specific classroom products, teacher resources, educational toys, and games. Their products are designed by seasoned educators & parents who know that children love to learn when you make that learning experience fun!

When you visit the Educational Insights online web site you will find that it’s really easy to navigate. The web site has three tabbed categories which are the sections for Parents, Teachers and Classroom Jeopardy. Since I am a mother and grandmother…I could spend hours just browsing around their parent’s section of the web site.

Educational Insights Checkmath Game

My Review: The great folks over at Educational Insights sent us their Checkmath game to review for all of you. This game includes a numbered game board, 20 double-sided numbered bamboo tiles and the instruction guide. The game is for ages 8 and up and you will need 2 players to play the game. For this game review I enlisted the help of my two nephews who are ages 10 and 12 years of age and the boys love checkers and chess so I thought this would be a great game for them to review.

How To Play: Players place their numbered tiles on the numbered spaces on either side of the board. They then take turns advancing their tiles one at a time to any space in the next row that is a multiple of the number on the tile that they are moving. If the tile lands on a multiple shared by your opponent and you capture that opponent’s tile. The first person to capture all of their opponent’s tiles will win the game.

I invited the boys over after school to play the game and spent about 10 minutes reading the instructions to them and demonstrating on the board how the game is played. The 10 year is in checkers club at school and the 12 year old is in chess club at school so let me tell you…they understood this game better than I did! LOL I sat there and watched them play and it was really interesting to see how good they both are in math. The game took them about 45 minutes (not including instruction time) to play and both boys enjoyed the game! After taking a 30 minute snack/beverage break…they actually sat down to play it again. I don’t think the 12 year old was too thrilled that the 10 year old beat him the first time so it was GAME ON and REMATCH for the second game which tied it up. I did let the boys take the game home with them so that they could break the tie breaker at home. My brother told me about a week later that the boys love the game and have played it at least 10 times since bringing it home.

Overall Impression: This is a fabulous game which teaches kids math skills that they need and it constantly has them using those math skills to play the game. I love that the instructions are printed on the back of the box so you don’t have to worry about losing an instruction sheet. This educational game was entertaining and fun for them to play and we highly recommend this game to you. We give it a huge 2 thumbs up!

* This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, we may or may not receive a small commission which helps to support this site. Thank you!

I would personally like to thank Educational Insights for sending me the product(s) to review here on the TCC Blog.

Disclaimer: Shelly has personally reviewed the product listed above. Shelly has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Shelly did receive a free product to try out so she could evaluate and use it for her review. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ.  Copyright 2010-2011, All Rights Reserved.

Max Colored Eco Pencils and Doodling Pad by Faber-Castell

As every child heads back to school this year it is important that we supply them with a few art supplies and that is where our next Back to School Shopping company can help you. Let me introduce you today to Faber-Castell who makes a 

Inside Out Lenticular Human Body Poster

Inside Out Lenticular Human Body Poster

Today I would like to introduce you to the company called Educational Insights based out of Southern California. Educational Insights is the manufacturer of playful products with serious educational value, including subject-specific classroom products, teacher resources, educational toys, and games. Their products are designed by 

Ring The Bell Electronic Goal Tracker by Educational Insights

Ring The Bell Electronic Goal Tracker by Educational Insights

Ring the Bell Electronic Goal TrackerToday I would like to introduce you to the company called Educational Insights based out of Southern California. Educational Insights is the manufacturer of playful products with serious educational value, including subject-specific classroom products, teacher resources, educational toys, and games. Their products are designed by seasoned educators & parents who know that children love to learn when you make that learning experience fun!

When you visit the Educational Insights online web site you will find that it’s really easy to navigate. The web site has three tabbed categories which are the sections for Parents, Teachers and Classroom Jeopardy. Since I am a mother and grandmother…I could spend hours just browsing around their parent’s section of the web site.

My Review: The great folks over at Educational Insights sent us the Ring The Bell Electronic Goal Tracker to review for all of you and it includes the following: Jumbo 20″ high by 9″ wide electronic goal tracker, teacher’s guide with reproducible student goal chart and award certificate. It requires 3 AAA batteries which are not included and is geared towards all grade levels. This electronic goal tracker will track any goal, from books read to funds raised with fun lights and sounds along the way.

It is done in a really colorful carnival theme complete with carnival rides, tigers, stars, balloons and carnival games depicted on it. If you purchase a dry erase marker you can actually write on the goal tracker levels and what the task is that you want the kids to complete. We got this and I was really excited about it because my sister-in-law is always complaining about the boys not getting their chores done at home so I decided to give the goal tracker to them (after I checked it out) so that she could write their chores on the side of it and every time they completed the chore they could move the bar up a level. Once it reaches the top they can have their reward (allowance). I thought it would be fabulous for encouraging the boys (ages 9 and 11) to get their chores done. For the past week or so Tracy has been using it just for that and so far so good…they completed all of their chores (first time in months) for that first week! yeah!

I think this is a really cool item…you can use it to track books that you want your kids to read during the summer and then wipe it off and track books read during the school year or you can do like we did and use it at home to track your child’s chores that you want them to do. Like I said…first week went well and Tracy is super excited about week #2 as this is the first time in many months that they didn’t have to argue with the kids about completing their chores. We give it a huge 2 thumbs up! A nice high quality product that can be used in numerous ways.

You can purchase the Educational Insights Ring the Bell Electronic Goal Tracker, Multi-Color directly from Amazon for a great price!

* This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, we may or may not receive a small commission which helps to support this site. Thank you!

Disclaimer: Shelly has personally reviewed the product listed above. Shelly has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Shelly did receive a free product to try out so she could evaluate and use it for her review. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ. Copyright, All Rights Reserved.

Batter Up Baseball Game From Educational Insights

Batter Up Baseball Game From Educational Insights

Today I would like to introduce you to the company called Educational Insights based out of Southern California. Educational Insights is the manufacturer of playful products with serious educational value, including subject-specific classroom products, teacher resources, educational toys, and games. Their products are designed by 

KaBAM! Word Card Game by Educational Insights

Today I would like to introduce you to the company called Educational Insights based out of Southern California. Educational Insights is the manufacturer of playful products with serious educational value, including subject-specific classroom products, teacher resources, educational toys, and games. Their products are designed by