Cleaning your home is a task that can often last for the entire day, if not for multiple days. Therefore, it’s safe to say that many people tend to put this off until they cannot tolerate it anymore. However, did you know that you can use a daily 30-minute cleaning routine to today your home? That’s correct, and once you implement it, your home will always be clean and presentable. The first thing you need is to set a timer for 30 minutes. Once you do that, you can start with cleaning. So here are some tips that can help you get there.
Declutter daily
Clutter is the enemy of tidiness, and it’s often something we tend to ignore. Still, having too many unnecessary items lying around can seriously make your home look worse than it actually is. Therefore, daily decluttering will make the cleaning much less time-consuming and easier.
Clean the surfaces
Surfaces are often the most neglected until you spot a thick layer of dust. Therefore, it’s crucial to clean your surfaces such as tables, countertops, and shelves frequently enough. Sometimes, you can stain the surfaces by accident and then forget about it. That’s common, and it can cause lifelong damage, especially for finer materials, such as granite. This is why it’s important to invest in a granite countertop stain removal guide before you decide to start cleaning. That way, you can be absolutely sure that your countertops will be clean without any additional damage.
Dust and vacuum critical areas
Critical areas (those that are visible the most) should be dusted and vacuumed on a daily basis. Hence, this should always be your priority when you start your daily cleaning routine. Regular vacuuming and dusting can transform your house, and make it appear much cleverer at first glance. Also, if you suffer from asthma or respiratory allergy, then you absolutely should do this every single day, in order to keep yourself healthy.
Divide for better results
This technique can also be called “divide and conquer”, because in this case, you’re dividing your home into sections and tackling each one of them at the time. This will make cleaning much easier and more organized. However, make sure to prioritize the areas that are most frequently used or need immediate attention. Once you adopt this systematic approach, you won’t feel overwhelmed, and you’ll be able to clean with more efficiency and motivation.
Try multitasking
We often see cleaning as a waste of time, because let’s be honest, we’d all do anything else. But, there’s nothing as satisfying as enjoying your freshly cleaned home. This is why multitasking can be a helpful tool when cleaning your home, even if it’s just a quick tidying up. For example, you can listen to an audiobook, or your favorite podcast, all while cleaning your home. This can make the routine more enjoyable, and help the time pass much faster.
Aim for consistency
Since we’re talking about a daily cleaning routine, then consistency should be your top priority. With consistency, you’re also creating a habit, and when it comes to tidying up, consistency and habits are everything. This will help you a lot because you’ll be less likely to put off the cleaning once you’ve built a healthy habit around it. Just make sure to be consistent in the beginning, and you’ll be able to pull it off successfully.
Reward yourself
Reward is the best way to feel good after completing a daunting task. So after you’re finished, feel free to treat yourself to something you enjoy, whether it’s your favorite TV show or relaxing in a bubble bath. The positive reinforcement will surely help you feel more motivated to clean, and you’ll feel happier with yourself once you’re finished.
Maintaining a clean and tidy home certainly has its unique challenges, but with these tips, you’ll be able to overcome them and clean like a pro. With proper organization and planning, 30-minute-day-cleaning will be more than enough to keep your home in a spotless condition. As long as you’re consistent and motivated, you’ll be able to pull it off with ease.