ergoPouch Winter Sleep Suit for Children

Melbourne, Australia-based ergoPouch was founded in 2009 by Alina Sack. As a mother, Sack drew on her own personal experiences of sleep deprivation to come up with innovative products designed to help babies and kids get a better night’s sleep. The award-winning ergoPouch collection includes premium … [Read more...]

Updating Your Summer Wardrobe on a Budget

Last month I had major surgery and along with that a lot of unexpected complications. The past 4 weeks have been long, hard and at times, extremely painful. I'm looking forward to recovering and enjoying a nice summer season in the near future. * Complimentary Items Received for Review. Thank you … [Read more...]

Snuggly Rascals Comfortable Headband Headphones for Kids!

A team of dads, all whom have small children, set out to design a set of headphones their kids would love, would be comfortable to wear and, as importantly, would protect their ears – the Snuggly Rascals headband headphone was born! * Complimentary Product Received for Review. Snuggly Rascals … [Read more...]

Quality Dress-Ups and Children’s Costumes for Creative Play

When my daughter was a little girl they didn't have dress-up clothing like they do now. Back in the 80's and early 90's, parents were forced to buy crappy Halloween costumes or make dress-up clothing themselves. Looking back, I think childhood had to be pretty boring at times for my daughter. * … [Read more...]

Comfortable and Stylish Children’s Shoes from pediped

pediped is a premiere children's shoe company that makes some of the cutest styles in children's footwear. Not only are their shoes pretty to look at but they are quality-made for comfort and longevity. They sell classic everyday shoes along with styles for those special times in your life. * … [Read more...]

Quality Dress-Ups and Kid’s Costumes for Creative Play

When my daughter was a little girl they didn't have dress-up clothing like they do now. Back in the 80's and early 90's, parents were forced to buy crappy Halloween costumes or make dress-up clothing themselves. Looking back, I think childhood had to be pretty boring at times for my daughter. Fast … [Read more...]

Dress-Up Clothing and Costumes for Little Boys

When my daughter was a little girl they didn't have dress-up clothing like they do now. Back in the 80's and early 90's, parents were forced to buy crappy Halloween costumes or make dress-up clothing themselves. Looking back, I think childhood had to be pretty boring at times for my … [Read more...]

Adorable Children’s Tees from Tenth & Pine

These days many parents try to pass down their children's clothing from one child to the next. Let's face it, that totally makes sense since most little one's outgrow their items, before wearing them out. As a parent, I try to pack away gender-neutral items that I could use later on down the … [Read more...]