Fruit of the Loom Men’s Waffle Thermal Underwear Crew Top

Fruit of the Loom Men’s Waffle Thermal Underwear Crew Top

Winter is one of those seasons I don’t enjoy. I don’t like the cold tempertures, ice, snow, and everything else that comes along with it. I’m the type of guy who likes sunshine and warm temperatures. Sorry cold weather fans, I just don’t enjoy it. 

Comfortable and Stylish Slippers for Women from Lamo

Comfortable and Stylish Slippers for Women from Lamo

Lamo has been making comfortable and stylish footwear since 1995. The company is known for their sheepskin slippers, boots, and casual footwear. I discovered Lamo in 2012, shortly after my first hip replacement when I needed comfortable shoes. Since that time I’ve purchased several pairs 

Comfortable and Casual Fall Footwear from Lamo

Comfortable and Casual Fall Footwear from Lamo

Lamo has been making comfortable and stylish footwear since 1995. The company is known for their sheepskin slippers, boots, and casual footwear. I discovered Lamo in 2012, shortly after my first hip replacement when I needed comfortable shoes. Since that time I’ve purchased several pairs 

Hanes Women’s Pull-On with Drawstring Jersey Shorts

Hanes Women’s Pull-On with Drawstring Jersey Shorts

I’ve been purchasing Hanes lines of apparel items for decades. I love the quality and affordability. On top of that, I love how comfortable their items fit me. They wash and wear beautifully. Last month I purchased 2 pairs of the Hanes Women’s Pull-On with 

9 Clever Ways to Save Money on Clothes

9 Clever Ways to Save Money on Clothes

The average American person spends about $161 per month on clothes, with women spending 76% more than men. According to data by Credit Donkey, the average family spends about 3.8 of their income on clothing. The amount can easily double up if you have expensive 

5 Confidence-Boosting Tips to Rock Your Swimwear this Summer

5 Confidence-Boosting Tips to Rock Your Swimwear this Summer

When the weather starts to warm up, many women dread what follows: an avalanche of advertising and social media messages urging them to get their bodies in shape for summer. The 2012 research by Flinders University in Australia discovered that when women had to imagine 

Stay on Trend: Popular Vintage Clothing Items You Can Find at a Thrift Store

Stay on Trend: Popular Vintage Clothing Items You Can Find at a Thrift Store

Wearing clothes designed and produced in a different era makes you feel like you are paying tribute to a different time. Besides that, this trend makes you feel fashionable since most fashion enthusiasts have come to love it. If you want to run with the 

Should Your Shoes Match Shirt or Pants?

Should Your Shoes Match Shirt or Pants?

A huge discussion in the fashion world is whether your shoes should match your shirt or your pants. Many people choose to do what they want and not worry about what others think. While this may seem like a great way to look at things,