9 Clever Ways to Save Money on Clothes

The average American person spends about $161 per month on clothes, with women spending 76% more than men. According to data by Credit Donkey, the average family spends about 3.8 of their income on clothing. The amount can easily double up if you have expensive tastes or often buy cheap clothes that … [Read more...]

5 Confidence-Boosting Tips to Rock Your Swimwear this Summer

When the weather starts to warm up, many women dread what follows: an avalanche of advertising and social media messages urging them to get their bodies in shape for summer. The 2012 research by Flinders University in Australia discovered that when women had to imagine themselves adorned in … [Read more...]

Stay on Trend: Popular Vintage Clothing Items You Can Find at a Thrift Store

Wearing clothes designed and produced in a different era makes you feel like you are paying tribute to a different time. Besides that, this trend makes you feel fashionable since most fashion enthusiasts have come to love it. If you want to run with the trend, we’re going to look at some things you … [Read more...]

Should Your Shoes Match Shirt or Pants?

A huge discussion in the fashion world is whether your shoes should match your shirt or your pants. Many people choose to do what they want and not worry about what others think. While this may seem like a great way to look at things, there are still some dos and don’ts when it comes to matching, … [Read more...]

Staying Fashionable with the Right Women’s Shoes

You can make fashion statements with several types of fashion accessories. However, only very few of these accessories make a loud statement as much as your footwear does. But for you to harness the powers of your shoes, you need to have the right ones. Sadly, this could be a bit of a … [Read more...]

Comfortable and Seamless Bras from Coobie

How many women enjoy going out and shopping for a new bra? Raise your hand? Sorry, You won't see my hand going up! Shopping for new bras is something I typically dread doing. Well, until now. Let me introduce you to Coobie and their line of comfortable and fashion-forward bras! * Complimentary … [Read more...]

5 Wardrobe Staples for the Entire Family

No matter your sense of style, everyone requires essential pieces in their wardrobe that serve as the anchor for everything else they wear. These everyday staples are considered the basic pieces that provide comfort while also looking polished and presentable for most situations. This is the type of … [Read more...]

Finding a Custom Women’s Suits and Men’s Suits Tailor in Vancouver

It does not hurt to look stunning. Sometimes you might need to make an appearance at a dinner party or an opening. Showing up in a decent suit is best, and who knows, it might bring you some good luck. Suits are clothing usually worn for official events. Thinking of it, why call it a suit if it … [Read more...]