Pet Peeve – Folks Who Are Too Lazy to Put Shopping Carts Away

It’s been months since I’ve posted one of my rants or pet peeves on the blog. Yeah, I know you all have been missing them. Heck, I’ve been missing them too. A great way for me to release some pent up frustration and stress. So, here ya go…my newset Pet Peeve vented frustration!

How many of you are sick and tired of grocery carts rolling around in the parking lot? How about those shopping carts left in parking spots so that you have to get out of your car to move it…to park in that particular spot? Then you have shopping carts rolling around the sidewalks and blocking them or blocking the door to the store? What the heck is going on with people these days????

Pet Peeve - Folks Who Are Too Lazy to Put Shopping Carts Away

I’m sorry, but there are usually designated places in the parking lot or up on the sidewalk where you are supposted to return the cart. Why aren’t you doing that? Too lazy I guess! If there are no designated places…have the common courtesy to take it back to where you got it at the entrance to the store. Still don’t want to walk? Ask a passerby if they would like to take your cart as they’re heading into the store!!!

The only time I think this “bad behavior” should be going on is if it’s a disabled person, an elderly person or something like that who physically can’t get the cart taken back to the proper place. Otherwise, those who are physically capable adults…I find this to be disgusting LAZY ASS behavior! Please return shopping carts to the designated areas!!!

Another thing that irks me about shopping carts is when shoppers leave their damn garbage in the cart. I don’t want your crumbled up paper, wrappers, shopping list or other trash. Throw it away, don’t leave it in the cart! I also don’t want to see your kid’s sticky candy or bubblegum in the cart either. Grant ya…carts are germ-filled receptacles but come on now, let’s not be pigs! Clean up your trash too.

Okay, my rant is over. Anyone else get irked when they see this crap going on?

By the way…the photo I included as taken on one of my recent trips to the grocery store. There were at least a dozen carts rolling around through the parking lot, another 6 of them rolling around the sidewalk as you walk down the sidewalk to get into the store and then right inside the front door 3 more blocking the path. I did go to customer service and alerted them to the shopping cart mess. They sent a worker outside to gather them all. However, I don’t blame the store…I blame the lazy ass shoppers!

Shelly's Signature


  1. I so missed your rants Shelly. I am reading this one and nodding my head yes yes yes! I hate having to move shopping carts in the parking lot. Oh and garbage inside the cart just about puts me over the edge!

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