Kitchen Cleaning Tips Using Lodge Cast Iron Pan Scrapers
Cleaning the kitchen isn’t one of my favorite things to do. Matter of fact, I’ve never met a person who will admit that they enjoy spending hours cleaning doing it. With that said, I do enjoy cooking, baking and canning, so a dirty kitchen is something I have to deal with on a daily basis.
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One of my favorite little cleaning tips or cleaning hacks is using the Lodge Cast Iron Pan Scrapers around my kitchen to get things clean. Say what? Yup, I’m going to tell you all of the ways that I used them in my kitchen!
Let’s start with the original and obvious purpose. They’re fantastic for getting that stuck-on food off of your baking dishes, out of your frying pans, etc. I use them in my cast iron skillets, non-stick pots and pans and in my glass baking dishes. They work 100% better than a sponge or scrubbing brush!
Microwave ovens are often dirty and disgusting places. Food splatters are often hard to scrub out. I like to mist the inside of my microwave oven with a mixture of lemon juice and water. Let it sit for a few minutes. Then use a pan scraper to get those “hard” food splatters to come lose. Then just wipe out the microwave until it’s sparkling clean.
I have dark kitchen counter-tops and it’s hard to see if there’s food or grease that has dropped onto them. I mist down my counter-tops with lemon juice and water. Wait 5 minutes and use the pan scraper across my counter-tops. You can feel the scraper come into contact with harden food particles that you didn’t see. It loosens them up so that you can wipe them clean.
Got hard crusty food or sauces dripped inside the refrigerator? On the condiment shelving? If so, those pan scrapers work fantastic at getting that goop loosened up and cleaned out. Again, just moisten up the area with a little lemon juice & water. Let sit for just a few minutes and then scrape it out.
Don’t have a self-cleaning oven? Got hard, baked-on junk sitting in your oven? Spray with oven cleaner or dampen with baking soda and water. Let sit for 15 minutes and then use a pan scraper to clean it up. Always finish up by wiping it out with a clean, damp cloth.
Food and gunk stuck around the knobs of your faucet? Down in the cracks between the counter-top and your appliances? If so, use a scraper to get that nasty stuff cleaned out! It’s important to get those food particles cleaned up to keep everything germ-free and bug-free!
Here’s a little non-kitchen tip for you. Got little pebbles or rocks stuck in the tread of your favorite pair of sneakers? Shoes? Boots? If so, use a pan scraper to get it dislodged from the crevice!
Disclosure: This product was personally purchased by the writer who is sharing his/her honest & unbiased opinion with the readers of the TCC blog. Your opinion may differ. This post may contain affiliate links. Please read the blog’s full disclosure policy located on the homepage.