The Lucky Dollar Bill
Have you ever found money outside while out and about? I often find change lying around but it’s rare for me to find dollar bills. I’m frugal, so I do indeed pick-up any money that I find. All of the change has been tossed into my grandchildren’s piggy banks over the years. It can really add up.
Two weeks ago I was out putting gas in the truck. I looked down and there was a dollar bill laying in the snow. I reached down and picked it up. I felt lucky to find it. After filling up my truck I headed to a local coffee shop to pick up a cup of coffee. When I got to the register the sales clerk informed me that the gentleman ahead of me already paid for my drink. He was paying it forward. I looked around to thank him but he had already left.
Later that day I gave the dollar bill that I found to my wife. She tossed it into the kid’s piggy bank like we do with change that we find. Well. that good luck wasn’t over! Ten minutes after she placed it into the piggy bank I got a call from my doctor giving me the good news that my labwork was finally within normal ranges. Yippeee!
Thank you to the person who “lost” that dollar bill. Thank you to the kind man who paid for my coffee and thank you to the good lord above for blessing me with good test results! I sure did feel lucky and blessed that day.