What New Moms Should Know About Buying Car Seats
A car seat is among the many important purchases new parents should make for their kids. Unfortunately, like other baby essentials, choosing car seats can prove stressful and challenging. You should not only choose a quality seat but also ensure that the car seat fits your car. Below are a few tips for new parents looking to buy a car seat.
1. Choose a Tested and Approved Seat
Car seats are tested and approved under the UNR 129 and ECE R44 size regulations. You should choose a car seat that has been approved under these standards. Car seats with ECE R44 approval have been approved for forward-facing and rear-facing positioning. On the other hand, UNR 129 approval means the seat has been tested and approved for side impact. All Diono car seats have passed these tests.
2. Scope Out Your Car Before Shopping
You should read your vehicle’s manufacturer’s manual before purchasing a car seat. Car seats are primarily designed to use a seat belt or LATCH system. Scoping out the provisions in your car can help in choosing a seat. Choose a car seat based on the installation provisions, either a LATCH or a belt system.
If you prefer the LATCH system, ensure that you can locate the LATCH attachments in your car. Some vehicles don’t have attachments in the middle and rear-facing positions, which are the safest positions. That aside, you should measure the back seat to determine the space available for the car seat. Car seats with large bases may not fit small cars. If your car has small seats, you should opt for seats with a narrow base.
3. Focus On Important Features
Car seats are available at different price ranges, mostly determined by the features. On the lower end, between $80 and $200, you can find models with a 5-point harness, extra air or foam pads for side-impact protection, and LATCH system compatibility. If you can afford a premium car seat, expect more features, such as an anti-rebound bar, cushier fabric, a larger canopy, and more.
4. Choose the Correct Car Seat for Your Child’s Age, Weight, and Height
Car seats are grouped into three main categories. They include:
Baby car seats – Best for newborns to 12 months old kids. You should advance to the next car seat if your kid grows beyond the height requirements of these seats.
Toddler car seats – UNR 129 regulations require kids to remain rear-facing until they are 15 months or older. Some toddler car seats are rear-facing and allow for conversion into forward facing. Children outgrow these seats when they reach the uppermost point of the seat’s headrest.
Booster seats – Children should use booster car seats until they are 12 years old.
5. Comfort
You should purchase a car seat that assures comfort. Your baby should be comfortable enough to sleep soundly in the car seat. Traveling with your babies crying in their seats is very irritating. You should purchase car seats made from breathable materials with extra padding for assured comfort.
Car seats are an expensive investment, so you should ensure that you purchase a high quality option. Apart from the price and the considerations mentioned above, you should also look at the ease of installation, maintenance, and portability.