Stepping Into Third Trimester of Pregnancy: Checklist To Follow

Motherhood is the most beautiful feeling for a woman. Before you know it, a tiny human being will be in your arms, spreading happiness and positivity all around. Your whole world will revolve around them, ensuring their safety and well-being.

That said, for a mother, the child’s safety concerns begin during the pregnancy. As soon as she gets the good news, she starts to follow a healthy lifestyle and take better care of herself. Moreover, this care and preparation to welcome the little one into this world accelerate with each trimester.

By the time you reach the third trimester, i.e., week 28 to week 40, or months 7 to 9, your body experiences numerous changes, preparing for the delivery. Stating the obvious, it is crucial for you to be attentive and consider the following things.

Stepping Into Third Trimester of Pregnancy

* Don’t Miss Out On Your Prenatal Visit

Your prenatal visits become essential during the last trimester. It is because, during these visits, you learn about the baby’s growth and prepare for labor and delivery. The doctor will provide you with the necessary information, including exercises to facilitate the birth and ease the pain as much as possible.

In fact, if you have planned for a c-section, better known as a Cesarean section, your doctor will also guide you from the same.

Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that any negligence on the doctor’s part during the pregnancy treatment or delivery might result in a birth injury. These could be life-long or affect the quality of life. In such a scenario, it would be wise to consult birth injury lawyers to protect your rights. Surely, it will be an uphill battle, but the experience and knowledge of lawyers can provide you with justice and financial compensation.

* Pay Attention To The Baby’s Movement

The baby grows throughout the pregnancy and changes its movement as they get bigger. In the third trimester, the little one’s head, hand, feet, and bottom are positioned in the belly. You can listen to their heartbeat and feel them shifting in the womb. Your doctor can also detect their accurate position by performing an ultrasound.

The common positions you’ll find your baby are:

* Anterior: Face towards your back and head facing down.
* Posterior: Face towards your belly and head facing down.
* Breech: Bottom or feet first
* Transverse Lie: Lying horizontally

If you notice any different position or a sudden movement, make sure to contact your midwife or maternity immediately.

* Eat Nutritious Food

Another consideration to take into account is eating healthy and nutritious food. Make sure to eat iron-rich food to boost your red blood cells. As your child will absorb all the nutrients, it will improve their weight and make them healthy.

In addition, even if you crave junk or processed food, avoid it. Instead, eat fruits and vegetables, drink juices and smoothies or bake something at home with organic ingredients.

* Massage Your Bump

You might want to get to know your unborn child as your bump grows. As long as you use soft strokes that follow the contours of your body, it’s completely safe for you or your partner to massage your bump. You may even feel tiny kicks in reaction to the massage strokes. It’s a great way for you both to feel close to your baby.

In fact, the bonding process can begin by talking to your infant. Try reading a book, magazine, or newspaper out loud to your bump or singing to them while getting a massage. It would be handy if having a conversation with them seemed a little strange.

Tip: Opt for baby oil explicitly made for massage to facilitate your child’s growth.

* Create A Birth Plan

Last but most importantly, you should develop a birth plan if you haven’t done it already. This plan will communicate your wishes regarding delivery and labor to your doctor and midwives. For instance, what type of labor or birth you’d like to have- natural or C-Section? What are the things you want to avoid, or what else do you desire during birth?

Of course, life is unpredictable, so things may not always go as planned. Though, your birth plan will include enough information for doctors to adhere to during the labor. Plus, it will help you make better decisions.

Wrapping It All Up

These are a few ways in which you can prepare yourself during the third trimester. Even after the delivery, you must take utmost care of yourself and the baby. Ensure that your little one is healthy. If you notice anything inappropriate, report the same to the facility and other authorities.


  1. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I agree that it is very important to prepare yourself , especially during the third trimester as your pregnancy is about to change to giving birth. You want to make sure that you are taking care of both yourself and the baby.