Cut Resistant Food Grade Kitchen Safety Gloves

Cut Resistant Food Grade Kitchen Safety GlovesA pair of kitchen safety gloves is something that should be in every home. I use them when I’m shredding and grating vegetables, when I’m shredding block cheese, carving up cooked or raw meats, cutting chicken bones from the bird, and all sorts of other kitchen and foodie tasks.

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Last month I needed to replace my 5 year old gloves with a new pair. After doing some research and reading reviews I purchased the Dowellife Cut Resistant Food Grade Kitchen Safety Gloves from Amazon. They’re available in X-Small through X-Large sizes. You want to select the appropriate size…order true to size and don’t size up. You want them to fit comfortably without being overly tight.

Cut Resistant Food Grade Kitchen Safety Gloves

These kitchen safety gloves are easy to care for. You can toss them into your washing machine and then air dry (I hang on a hook in our laundry room) or hand-wash them in your kitchen sink with liquid dish soap, wring them out and hang up to dry. No fancy care is needed.

Using a good pair of gloves like this will help to protect your hands from accidental cuts, scrapes, abrasions and burns. I like wearing them when I need to carve up a hot turkey or ham. You get a good grip on the knife or cutting tool and the items that you’re holding are slipping around. That’s important for kitchen safety.

Cut Resistant Food Grade Kitchen Safety Gloves

I’ve owned several pairs of Kitchen Safety Gloves over the years and I have to admit…this is the nicest pair that I’ve owned. They fit my large hands perfectly (I got the size X-Large) and they wash-up really nicely. Every kitchen should have a pair of these gloves to help protect your hands. They would make a great bridal shower, wedding, birthday, mother’s day, and/or father’s day gift. Affordable too! You can purchase them HERE from Amazon.

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Disclosure: This item was personally purchased by the writer who is sharing his/her honest opinion with the readers of the TCC blog. No product or monetary compensation was received. Your opinion may differ. This post contains affiliate links. Please read the blog’s full disclosure policy located on the homepage.

Samuel - Signature Tag


  1. Mia Rose Egan says

    I have never even thought about owning a pair of these, but it makes such good sense as an easy safety precaution. Much less expensive than a trip to the emergency room.

  2. gloria patterson says

    Just checked…………… I received a pair several years ago and my though was I would never wear these and just dropped them in the towel drawer. Have never though of so many uses for them. I will be using these now

  3. I have these for sewing. When you use a rotary cutter, so many things can go wrong. My friend had 14 stitches for such an accident. I never use it without protecting my fingers by wearing them.

  4. Why do I not own a pair of these yet? I am so adding these to my wishlist thanks for sharing this post.

    • We got into the habit of wearing them after he got a minor cut several years ago while trimming raw meat. The bacteria immediately went into the cut and caused an awful infection. We now try to protect our hands, especially when working with raw meats!