Muscular Dystrophy: Life Hacks to Help Your Kids Through It

Muscular DystrophyMuscular dystrophy is of two types Duchenne and Becker. The latter progresses slowly and shows less severe symptoms. However, Duchenne is tough and can make a person wheelchair-ridden by 12.

It is a severe muscle condition wherein the muscles weaken in the lower part of the body, thus making it difficult to live everyday life. Parents of DMD-stricken children find it hard to guide their children through the daily chores while keeping their enthusiasm high.

But not anymore! We’re here with the solution to it. This article mentions some life hacks to help ease your kid’s life and give them more confidence in living a fulfilling life. Read on to find more information.

Eating and Drinking

The treatments for duchenne muscular dystrophy begin as soon as it is detected. Doctors do their best to suggest tips to ease the patient’s life. The muscles weaken in the mouth area, thus making it hard to chew and swallow food. Therefore, you might also mine their food to alleviate their eating and drinking.

It will make it easier for them to swallow. Additionally, they will not need to put extra energy into chewing their food. Moreover, give them straws with every drink, be it milk, soft drink, or shakes. Likewise, it is suggested to use gripping cutlery for them. Reduce their effort to pick things up and watch them eat confidently. For more, you may look into unique recipes for DMD people that are healthy and do not require chewing.

Around the home

It is difficult for DMD patients to walk; thus, you’ve to take steps to ease their movement around the house. If your kid is not yet in a wheelchair, you might as well install grab bars around the home to help them walk around by themselves. The grab bars are also helpful in the later stages of getting in the wheelchair.

They will get independent as they can get on and off the wheelchair, get into the shower, and more without requiring your help. As a result, they get confident. There are many other things that you can do around the home, such as changing the ground floor into an accessible bedroom, putting in corner protectors, and adding pressure-relief mattresses to promote a night of sound sleep.

At school

Special schools for DMD children aid their academics and extracurricular activities. With homeschooling getting back in trend, it has become easier for parents to educate their DMD children. Whether you send your child to an academy or get him tutored at home, you can do a few things to ease their experiences.

These include:

* Gripping aid for smartphones and tablets
* DIY paint brushes for better grips; Put them through a tennis ball
* Minimize writing by using speech-to-text apps

It may be challenging for children to cope with academics at school because DMD affects IQ levels. Thus, you must look into the matter and ease their experience as much as possible.

Bottom Line

Your child needs extra attention, as we know they have severe muscle weakness. You must not leave hope; instead, do your best to make it easier for them to get through the hardships. Please consult with your doctor about what you can do to help the child without making them feel dependent on anyone.