How to Properly Wash a Swimsuit

How to Properly Wash a SwimsuitSwimming suits are expensive and if you want them to last for a few seasons you need to wash them properly. Millions of people just toss them into the washing machine because it’s quick and easy. However, washing machines can cause damage and even worse is if you toss it into a hot dryer.

Hand Washing: When it comes to washing bathing suits it’s best to wash them by hand with a mild liquid detergent. Gently swish it around in the soapy water, let soak for 5-10 minutes and then rinse with clean water. Gently squeeze some of the water out. Lay the suit between 2 dry towels and “pat” the water out. Take a third towel and lay the suit flat on top to air dry or place flat on a drying rack.

Machine Washing: If you insist on tossing it into the washing machine you’ll want to place it into a mesh lingerie bag or old pillowcase, tie or zip it shut. This will help to prevent snags during the washing process. Set the machine on the gentle cycle, use a mild liquid laundry detergent and wash on the cold water setting. Once it’s done…take it out and lay it flat to dry on a dryer rack or clean towel to air dry.

How to Properly Wash a Swimming Suit

Never hang swimming suits up to dry. This will cause them to stretch out! Don’t toss them into the dryer because heat will break down the fibers and elastic. Don’t use harsh laundry detergents or bleach. If necessary, spot treat stains before laundering. Never use a hot iron on it!

You can find swimsuit cleaner available at several retailers across the nation. If you don’t want to use a mild laundry detergent, I suggest picking up a bottle of swimwear cleaner. It’s easy to use, affordable, and will help to extend the life of your bathing suit while keeping it clean.

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