Loctite Power Grab Ultimate Adhesive

Every home should have a strong adhesive glue in the toolbox. These type’s of adhesives are needed when you need a quick, strong, and permanent bond. I use them to repair all kinds of different things around the house.

Loctite Power Grab Ultimate Adhesive is the one that I recommend and use. Over the years I’ve used it to repair birdhouses, handles on coffee mugs, toys, ceramic tile, stabalize shelving in medicine cabinets, to secure insulation around piping, secure handle bar grips on a bicycle, and all sorts of things.

Loctite Power Grab Ultimate Adhesive

Shelly likes to use Loctite in some of her home decor and craft projects. I’ve seen her use it to make her 3-tiered trays, to add sawtooth hangers onto the back of artwork, to repair holiday ornments, door wreaths, collage work, and more.

It dries crystal clear and is for interior and exterior use. It’s one of the most powerful adhesives (glues) out in the retail marketplace. Suitable to use on wood, metal, glass, porcelain, ceramic, tile, granite, concrete, masonry, laminate, PVC, plastic, and other surfaces.

When working with it you want to read all of the instructions on the package. Protect your skin when using it. I wear work gloves. It’s very strong and can bond to your skin so take the extra effort to wear gloves.

You often see us posting home improvement and craft projects on the TwoClassyChics blog. Loctite is used in many of the projects that we’ve posted. Keep a tube on hand in your toolbox, so if the need arises…you have it ready to go.

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Disclosure: Item was personally purchased by the writer who is sharing his 100% honest and unbiased opinion with the readers of the TCC blog. Your opinion may differ. Please read the blog’s full disclosure policy for additional information. Posts may contain affiliate links.

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