Kid’s Crafts – Puppy Dog Painted Seashells

Kid's Crafts - Puppy Dog Painted SeashellsThese puppy dog painted seashells are super easy to make! We had several of them completed in one weekend. We decided to keep the pattern simple since we were working with 3 children between the ages of 5 and 11. You can do them in any color that you would like (light gray with black features would be cute too) but we settled on white. They almost look like Snoopy!

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The clam shells – seashells that we used measure at least 4″ in width. They’re nice and weighty, so you can use them as garden yard art, paper weights, party favors, etc. Wash and thoroughly dry them before you begin this projects.

Puppy Dog Painted Seashells

Large Clam Seashells
White and Black Acrylic Paint
Paint Brush, Water Dish, Paper Towels
Clear Acrylic Spray Sealer, Glossy Finish

Base coat the seashell with 2-3 coats of white acrylic paint, allowing 20 minutes of drying time between coats. Some of our shells needed 2 coats and some needed 3 to get the coverage that we wanted.

When it comes to adding the features it was easier to start with the large black tear drop shaped ear. It needed 2 coats of black paint. Then add the 2 oval-shaped eyes, eye brows, nose and mouth. You may need to use 2 coats of black paint on those features too. Let dry. Dip the end of the paint brush into white acrylic paint and dot on the white inner eyes and a smaller white dot inside the black nose. Let dry for at least 90 minutes or until the paint is no longer tacky.

Take the painted seashells outside. Spray them with 1-2 coats of clear acrylic sealer. This will protect the painted finish from chipping or fading. It makes them weather-proof too. You can place them outside, just re-sprayer the sealer on them every 6 months or so to protect them. That’s it, you’re done!

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Shelly's Signature


  1. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    This would be a lot of fun to do with my grandchildren. It is so cute. You come up with so many great projects for seashells.

  2. Another cute craft that makes me smile. These are fun.

  3. I really like this seashell craft it is so cute. It reminds me of Snoopy who I just love. I love your seashell craft posts they are always so creative.

  4. My grandkids love dogs so this would be an especially fun one to share with them. These would be fun to do and use for decorations around the yard.

  5. That is too cute! What a fun craft for the kids.

  6. gloria patterson says

    I could see my great niece doing this as long as I had the shell already painted white. She likes colors and not white. This is so cute and simple