How do You Like Your Potato Chips?

potato chips in bowlWhen I was a child, I wasn’t a big fan of potato chips because they were always greasy and nasty years ago. with that said, now that I am an adult…I’ve now learned to appreciate the potato chip!

Personally, I will only eat the plain ones if I have a good appetizer dip to dunk them in. Without a good dip, I just think they’re blah. My passion is for those Honey Barbecue flavored ones that many of the brands have been making the past several years. Hubby is all for the regular bbq style chips. Our granddaughter will eat an entire bag of Sour Cream & Onion potato chips in one sitting.

Now when you walk down the aisle at your local grocery store you will see potato chips in tons of different flavors and styles. Those new ones like “Old Bay” and “Vinegar & Sea Salt” don’t appeal to me at all. Oh…those ones with the cracked black pepper, I find to be totally gross! Last weekend at the grocery store they were handing out free samples of a “dill pickle” flavored potato chip. No thank you, I passed.

For those of you who love this snack…what flavor is your favorite? Are you a dipper and if so, what kind of dip do you enjoy with your chips? Got a favorite brand or style that you like? I would love to hear about it!

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  1. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I love potato chips, especially if they are not greasy. I also eat sour cream and onion chips.

  2. We haven’t had potato chips in a while, mostly just tortilla chips. Potato chips taste great, and there isn’t a favorite brand, I just typically look for which is the healthiest. I love them plain, or with a dip, doesn’t matter.

  3. I like regular Lays potato chips. I will eat them with dill pickles, but don’t want dill pickle flavored chips. I like clam chip dip best. (I usually will not have them in my house because I’d eat them all up)

  4. I like Tim’s BBQ or Sour Cream Flavor but honestly I will eat just about any brand or flavor. That is why I don’t buy them often. Too tempting.

  5. ellen beck says

    Hubby is a Munchos fan. It is an unusual chip with a very different texture. I am one of those dill pickle chips folks. I love the taste of dill and the more highly flavored the better but I do not eat many chips. I also am not one for dips although if there is a spinach dip I do make an exception !

  6. Tamra Phelps says

    My Mom was a fan of sour cream & chive chips but I liked the kind that had ketchup in them, lol. They were hard to find, though. Usually, Herr’s was the brand I’d find them in. When Lay’s does their yearly pick a new flavor thing, I try them. The biscuits & gravy flavor was surprisingly good, lol.

  7. gloria patterson says

    There are so many different types of chips out there my great niece (3) loves the plain chips so I always keep a can of pringles in the cabinet. She know where they are and goes and gets the can and she will ask for a bowl. Me I really like the Vinegar & Sea Salt and sea salt/cracked black pepper. I buy dip but just keep it for my great niece sometimes she wants sometime not.

  8. I must admit that I keep a few of the potato chip companies in business lol. I love plain Ruffles, plain Pringles and plain Lays chips. I love to dip them in homemade ranch dip the ranch in the store is gross. I also do like sea salt and vinegar chips not a fan of BBQ chips. Some of the flavors I see on the shelves sound gross to me. I try to regulate how much I eat and not over do it. I always feel a little guilty if I eat too many but then I tell myself the bag is half air.