Paying Our Respects to America’s Servicemen and Women

Once a month we like to visit a different cemetery in our home state of Pennsylvania. It doesn’t matter if we know someone who is buried there or not. We visit these cemeteries to learn about America’s past history and to pay our respects to the servicemen and women who have been lost over the years.

Visiting cemeteries offers a great learning experience. Often times you’ll find historical markers, memorial plaques, statues, water fountains, memorial benches, etc. located on the property that will give you some of the area’s local history and on the men & women who are buried there.

Middletown Cemetery in Pennsylvania

We like to bring along small American Flags and inexpensive flowers that we pick up at a local grocery store to place on some of the graves. We look for “older graves” of American servicemen and women to place the small American flags on and older graves to place the flowers on. One flower will do! We stop for a minute or two…say a small prayer and pay our respects. We should NEVER FORGET our servicemen and women, even after death.

The photograph in today’s post was taken while we were visiting Middletown Cemetery located in Pennsylvania. The cemetery has been in operation for over 150+ years and you’ll find many Civil War servicemen buried there. It’s a beautiful and serene place to visit.

We would like to encourage others to do the same! Yes, a challenge! Take the time over the next few months to visit at least one cemetery in your local area to see what kind of history you can learn and to pay your respects to those who are buried there.

Shelly's Signature