Sunny Bay Microwavable Hands-Free Neck Heating Wrap

Sunny Bay Microwavable Hands-Free Neck Heating WrapToday I would like to introduce you to the online store called Sunshine Pillows who sells a wide variety of ergonomic pillows, travel pillows, microwaveable heating packs, cold packs and many other health and wellness products.

In the past I have had the pleasure of reviewing several products from Sunshine Pillows and to this day…I still use every single product that I’ve reviewed over the years. You can find all of my reviews by searching our archives for Sunshine Pillows.

* Complimentary Product Received for Review. This post contains affiliate links.

The Sunny Bay Hands-Free Neck Heating Wrap is ideal for neck and shoulder pain therapy.

Sunny Bay Microwavable Hands-Free Neck Heating Wrap


* Reusable Heat Therapy
* Light Weight & Portable
* Fleece Cover Retains Heat
* Hands-Free Wrap with Elastic Band
* Made in the U.S.A.

To Use:

Microwave for 1 minute, flip the wrap, then microwave for 10 more seconds. Use 10 second increments until at desired temperature. Reduce microwaving time when reheating. Do not overheat. For cold therapy, wrap in a plastic bag and freeze for 60 minutes.

For the past few weeks my husband has been putting in long hours at work. His rental property houses 378 units which are getting ready for their yearly inspection. Every night he comes home after working a 10-12 hour day completely exhausted and usually with a bad headache.

Sunny Bay Microwavable Hands-Free Neck Heating Wrap

The Sunny Bay Microwavable Hands-Free Neck Heating Wrap has been providing him with great pain relief. After dinner he likes to heat it up in our microwave and then lay down with it wrapped around his neck and shoulders. Unlike regular heating pads, these neck wraps conform to the natural curves of your body, giving you the ultimate relief when using heat therapy. He absolutely loves using the product to help relieve the pain in his shoulders, neck and of course…his headaches.

Hubby isn’t the only one using it, I’ve been using it to help ease my knee pain. Back in March I had a total knee replacement and then had a slew of post-op complications. Let’s just say that not a day goes by that my knee doesn’t hurt. Even though it’s made for the neck & shoulders, it works fantastic for the knee too! I like to use it right before going to bed at night and it does help to relieve the pain.

Head on over to Sunshine Pillows to check out all of their travel pillows, heated neck wraps, shoulder wraps, disposable heat patches, ice wraps and more! We’ve been using their products for the past couple of years and love them!

* This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, we may or may not receive a small commission which helps to support this site.

Giveaway: One lucky winner is going to win a Sunny Bay Hands-Free Neck Heating Wrap from Sunshine Pillows. Good Luck.

Giveaway Details: This giveaway is open to residents of the US ONLY age 18 and over. Please read our Terms of Service & Disclaimer Policy before entering. This giveaway will close on November 9th, 2018 at 11:59 pm EST time. No purchase necessary to enter or win.

Disclaimer: Shelly received a complimentary product as featured in this blog post. Shelly’s thoughts and words are 100% her own unbiased opinion on the company & products being featured today. The Two Classy Chics are not responsible for prize shipment or fulfillment. This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through an affiliate link, we may make a small commission which helps to support this website. Thanks! 


  1. Follow TwoClassyChics over on Instagram (galyettina)

  2. re-pinned “Sunny Bay Microwavable Hands-Free Neck Heating Wrap”

  3. Instagram follow: slehan3

  4. I would also like the Ergonomic Travel Neck Pillow.

  5. I follow on Bloglovin – Breanne T

  6. I would love to have the Extra Large Microwavable Body Heating Wrap

  7. follow you on instagram – debijot45

  8. Follow the Two Classy Chics blog on BlogLovin (galya)

  9. follow you on bloglovin’ – DEBIJO4545

  10. Cheryl Chervitz says

    Follow TCC on IG: @cherylchervitz

  11. Cheryl Chervitz says

    Follow TCC on BL: @rozynozy

  12. Cheryl Chervitz says

    I would like to have the Extra Large Microwavable Body Heating Wrap, for all over heat!

  13. I’d like to have the Extra Large Microwavable Body Heating Wrap.

  14. Casey Garvey says

    The reuseable icepack would be a handy item to have!

  15. subscribe email: slehandwc at gmail dot com

  16. Pinned: Dairy-Free Pesto Pasta Recipe

  17. I could really use the Extra Large Microwavable Body Wrap.

  18. Bloglovin Slehan

  19. Jeanne Coulombe says

    I would love the extra large body heat wrap

  20. MD Kennedy says

    I’d love to have the Heated Back Wrap / Shoulder Wrap!

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  22. I Follow the Two Classy Chics blog on BlogLovin.

  23. I Follow TwoClassyChics over on Instagram. Perryannee

  24. I would like to have the Aromatherapy Body Heating Pad.

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  27. Peggy Nunn says

    I followed you on Instagram with @frogslop

  28. Peggy Nunn says

    I would like the Extra Large Microwavable Body Heating Wrap

  29. I like the Microwaveable Upper Back and Shoulder Heat Wrap.
    Thanks for the contest.

  30. susan hartman says

    I follow on bloglovin.

  31. susan hartman says

    I would like the aromatherapy neck pillow – right now!

  32. Marisela Zuniga says

    I would like to try the Heated Back Wrap / Shoulder Wrap

  33. I follow two classy chics on instagram as oldblueeyes070

  34. I went to the sponsor’s site and I would also love the Heat Pad for Neck Shoulder Upper Back Pain Relief that is so neat.

  35. I like Lavender Aromatherapy Neck Wrap

  36. I also like the extra long heated neck wrap.

  37. I would love Extra Large Microwavable Body Heating Wrap

  38. The chiropractic neck travel pillow. Navy

  39. I follow Two Classy Chics on BlogLovin.

  40. I follow Two Classy Chics on Instagram as murphminaville.

  41. I would be interested in the lavender aromatherapy neck wrap.

  42. KENNETH OHL says

    love to try their knee wraps

  43. Tamra Phelps says

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  44. Tamra Phelps says

    I follow the Classy Chics on bloglovin. @tamraphelps9 Tamra Phelps

  45. Tamra Phelps says

    I follow The Classy Chics on Instagram. @tdp102

  46. Tamra Phelps says

    I really like their wraps that go around the knee, too. My knees need those!