Top Tips for Planning Your Holiday TV Watching Ahead of Time

Top Tips for Planning Your Holiday TV WatchingEveryone loves to watch movies and TV shows during the holidays, but it’s hard to arrange your schedule so that the entire family can be there and you don’t miss any of your favorites. If you have plans to watch all of your favorite holiday movies this year, from The Great Pumpkin to Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer, and from Hocus Pocus to Holiday Inn, then you will want to read on below for a few tips on not only planning your TV watching ahead of time, but we also have tips on how to get the entire family together and excited about your holiday movie night.

Set Your DVR

Anyone who has ever had one will agree that DVRs are one of the best technological advances of the modern age. With a provider like DIRECTV Satellite TV, for example, you are able to set your DVR to record all your favorite shows. For example, if Hocus Pocus comes on Friday night and you are going to be at work, you can set your DVR to record it and forget it.

If Rudolph and Frosty are coming on at the same time on different channels, then you can set them both to record with this awesome, state of the art device. Another example of planning ahead is recording those two programs while you watch The Santa Clause on another channel. Isn’t the DVR an amazing thing? Now that you know how to record all your favorite holiday shows so that you don’t miss one, we can move onto how to plan a holiday movie night with your family as well.

Plan the Movie Schedule

There are some shows and movies that are must-see every year. You can either catch them on stations like ABC Family or record them on the DVR. The trick is to get the family together to watch your favorite shows when in today’s modern world everyone is busy and on the run. Sit down and talk to your family about when would work for each of them. Don’t take no for an answer! Set a date and stick to it!

Decide on the Right Spot

The holidays are about making it fun and exciting for the children. You don’t have to watch movies in the living room all the time. Instead, build a fort in the den, in front of the fireplace and watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas or make a spooky spot in your bedroom, then cuddle in bed together to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas. Anything is possible in the imagination of a child, so use that to make your holiday movie night even more magical for all.

Let Everyone Have a Turn

Don’t be a Grinch and keep all the movie choosing fun to yourself. Let each child choose a holiday movie to watch. There’s quite a few to choose from too. When it’s their turn, let them create the atmosphere and the snacks to match the holiday and the movie. You will be surprised at the creativity of your little ones and have fun the entire season long as well.

These are just a few fun tips to help you get in your movie and TV watching this upcoming holiday season. From setting the DVR to record your favorites to making sure the family is on board for a family holiday movie night, remember, the holidays are all about family and magic. So grab your hot cocoa and your popcorn and settle in by the roaring fire to watch the holiday movies you cherish and love together like a family should.