Favorite Holiday Movies and Christmas TV Specials

redholidaytreeGood morning everyone! The weekend is almost here! We have terrible weather here today with a lot of rain…I guess that is better than snow & ice. Will be a super busy weekend as I am sick and I have to go out and do some local reviews no matter what…sigh!

Today’s Topic: What are some of your favorite holiday movies to watch during this time of the year? What are some of your favorite Christmas TV specials? Personally, I don’t get into holiday movies at all. With that said, I do like to sit down with the Princess and watch some of the classic TV specials with her. We love Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and of course…Charlie Brown. Hubby got his stack of Home Alone DVDs out for when my nephews come by this weekend. They watch them together every holiday season.

We had a few giveaways close late last night so we do have winners to announce this morning. As always, we spend time every morning validating entries, trashing out the cheater entries and then randomly select a winner using random.org. We then double check that persons entry to make sure it’s legit and then finalize it.

Let’s get the party started!!!

Winner for the Made from Earth Face Serum: Sherry Compton
Winner for the Mighty Leaf Tea Company: Jessica Nipper
Winner for the Zest Avenue Giveaway: Ashley Sifers

Congratulations to all winners! The emails will be sent out shortly, after I grab another cup of coffee! Geesh, I need to wake-up & get it together this morning before Boss Lady rolls out of bed!


  1. Congrats lovely winners. I don’t seek out any special holiday TV show. If I’m in the mood I watch whatever I can find with my “rabbit ears” I don’t have cable or Pay TV but there is always something on. I like the TBN Christian Christmas shows so never have trouble finding something.

  2. md kennedy says

    I love those old animatronic TV specials as well, and can never get enough of Heat Miser/Snow Miser! As for movies, I stay away from the so-called “classic” ones, and the newer ones made-for-TV do nothing for me. However, I can watch Elf, Grinch (live version), Vacation and Christmas Story over and over and over and over…..!

  3. Congratulations to the winners. I love the specials this time of year. I have to say that National Lampoons Christmas Vacation is my very favorite though I watch it every single year.

  4. Sherry Compton says

    Starting at Thanksgiving, we watch a mixture of Christmas movies. Sometimes the Hallmark and Lifetime TV ones and often our own dvds. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation is a must for Christmas. I love Jingle all the Way for comedy and the new Miracle on 34th Street with Mara Wilson for a feel good movie. Charlie Brown, Garfield, and Frosty are the animated ones we watch. My daughter believes that Die Hard and Gremlins are Christmas movies, too, but her favorite is All I Want for Christmas with Thora Birch. It’s fun to see what tops people’s lists.

  5. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    Congratulations to the 3 winners
    I enjoy all the animated Christmas specials as well as some of the classic movies such as The Bishop’s Wife, Miracle on 34th st., etc.