What Would You Like to See More of?

hibiscus flowerGood morning everyone! We had a gorgeous sunrise here in PA this morning and hubbs & I enjoyed watching the sun come up with our favorite coffee out on the deck. I love those quiet and special times with my man.

Today’s Topic: Today we would like to hear from all of you…our readers! What kind of products would you like to see featured here? What kind of topics, articles and tips would you like to see and read?

We know that our blog has room for improvement and that improvement comes by providing all of you with the content you would like to see and enjoy. So give us your suggestions please!

Last night we had a few giveaways close and we do have a few winners to announce this morning. After validating entries, Random.org is used to randomly select our winners. All winners are notified via email and have 48 hours to respond to our email or a new winner will be selected. We will NOT hunt you down and chase you around. It is your job to check your email!!!

Winner Microbead Pillow: Heather Paddy
Winner Mod Straps GC: Deb E.

Congratulations winners! If there weather is going to be nice where you are…get outside and enjoy it! At least take a walk to get some exercise and fresh air!



  1. I am just THRILLED to have won the microbead body pillow and congratulations to the other winner. I am really looking forward to using the pillow for my neck and back. I love your blog so much it is my very favorite. I like to learn things when I read a post so maybe a post on safety tips for women. I also love a gift card giveaway to visa, amazon, walmart or target. Thank you again and I hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. God Bless.

  2. How lovely for you that you’re enjoying nice spring weather! We’re in a pattern of grey, overcast, and rainy days, and we’re only had a couple of nice spring days so far. Ugh.

    Anyway, my favorite posts and giveaways have to do with recipes, food, cooking, and kitchen gear, so I’m always up for more of that. But it’s the variety of topics you cover that’s part of what makes TCC a destination blog for me.

  3. Sandy Cain says

    I would like to see more uplifting articles. Not in a necessarily religious sense, but more encouragement, examples of how other people get through tough times. Not moralizing, just a chatty “this crummy thing happened and I dealt with it by…”. Do you know what I mean? Probably not, I’m still sick & have to get back to bed!

  4. Well thank you very much! Winning helped me feel better after StumbleUpon slapped me on the wrist for who knows what & said I was restricted from EVER posted on their site again since I violated their guidelines?! Gads, whatever did I do? I have no clue but use it for sharing the giveaways here. Thank you for the suggestion to use DIGG–I just learned how to share on DIGG. Please, I am so NOT techie it’s pathetic but whatever!

    I enjoy DIY articles, I guess they call them shortcuts or hacks–doing things on the cheap, etc. I love crafts but don’t like to spend too much, hence the DIY. Also anything educational, I just eat that up. But really, I enjoy everything you post, well maybe not the vampire stuff, but rarely do I see that here. Still don’t get that attraction!?

    • I meant EVER posting (not posted or postal, lol)

      • Sandy Cain says

        Yikes, I wonder what you did? I’m still not sure how to work SU although I have followed people there (now I sound like a stalker) and “stumbled” posts, I don’t see a time stamp to click on to bring up one post. I’ve never tried DIGG…..no one ever called me Mrs. Techie by mistake! Sincerely, confused in NY

  5. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    Congratulations to the 2 winners.
    The weather is nice here too. I went out for a walk.
    I like most items on your blog. There could be more recipes with kitchen item giveaways and posts on how your garden is doing. It is always nice to have a Gift Card giveaway.

  6. Julie Wood says

    The weather is really nice where I am too. It is in the upper 70’s. I love this time of year when it is not cold. I like seeing recipes because it gives me inspiration to try and cook a different meal. How about some Summer time posts. Maybe on getting a good deal on swimwear, or have some Summer time giveaways. How about a giveaway for a swimming suit. I also like so many of your posts.