The Walking Dead – Monday Chat!

the walking dead tcc blogGood morning! OMG…I am completely and utterly exhausted! On top of that, sick! Boo! We had a busy weekend, too busy for my liking. On Saturday I had to go out to review a local breakfast cafe. Then at lunch time Jenelle and I hosted our DisneySide party at her home. After that, I had hubbs bring me home and he went to pick up some gardening items we are reviewing. I canceled our dinner plans out Saturday night as I was just too tired and feeling ill. Sunday was even worse! I started the fever, sore throat, coughing and that junk. I then had to go into the nursing home and sit with my auntie for 3 hours because my cousin’s hubby was in a car accident and she had to leave. Sigh, I wore a mask the entire time but wowza…I just feel worse!

Today’s Question: Okay, it is Monday which means…The Walking Dead chat!!! Who watched last night? Oh my gosh!!! I did NOT see that coming with Carol having to put down “Lizzie” due to her mental issues. I can’t believe that “Lizzie” killed her own little sister to just turn her into a zombie! Jeepers!!! I am glad that Carol finally admitted to Tyrese that she is the one who killed Karen out of fear that she had the virus. Glad the “air” is cleared about that and that Tyrese has forgiven her.

Last night we had a few giveaways close and we do have a few winners to announce this morning. After validating entries, is used to randomly select our winners. All winners are notified via email and have 48 hours to respond to our email or a new winner will be selected. We will NOT hunt you down and chase you around. It is your job to check your email!!!

Winner iLeesh Retractable Dog Leash: Angela W.
Winner Pink Monogram Wall Hanging: Debijot

Congratulations to both winners! Emails will be sent shortly so check your emails to claim your prizes. Have a great Monday!



  1. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    Even when you are ill you manage to get so much done. I admire you for that. I hope that you are now feeling better and that your cousin’s husband is fine too. I am glad that you were able to enjoy the Walking Dead show.

  2. Alyssa Laughlin says

    Oh my goodness! I think that episode was a necessary evil and I am heartbroken Mika had to die the way she did. At the same time I am happy Carol and Tyreese returned when they did or else Judith would’ve been next!!! >_<

  3. Do we have a spoiler alert on these comments? why is no one talking abouut the ‘other’ grave? And why would Carol leave the fence open when they leave the house? There are other people out there and a relatively secure house with an intact fence — really stupid to just leave the fence open just because they were not going to shelter there any more.

    • Alyssa Laughlin says

      Other grave? That was the grave from the people who lived there previously I believe.

  4. Don’t hate me…I don’t watch this show. But my best friend LOVES it!

  5. Sherri Lewis says

    I was glued to the screen last night. When Lizzie said “I know what I need to do now”, I thought she meant she was going to let one of the walkers bite her so she could “show” everyone that they were ok. I was not expecting her to kill her little sister. And the only thing that stopped her from killing Judith then was when Carol said “she can’t even walk yet”. No… she definitely wasn’t going to be able to be around other people…..

    • Sherrie,

      I couldn’t take my eyes off the TV. Holy Smokes…what an intense episode! There are only 2 more left for this season (I think) and then I will go through withdraw until Fall again. Bummer, I want new episodes every week, every month all year long!

  6. Julie Wood says

    I did not watch the Walking Dead show. My son watches it. I sounds like it was really good. You sure had a very busy weekend. I hope that you start feeling better soon! I hope you do not have any more snow!

  7. Congrats to the winners. I don’t watch the show but will feel like the walking dead later today since a 4.4 earthquake woke me up this morning after too little sleep anyway. Only one shoebox of shoes fell off my shelf so no damage except to my sleep! Hope you feel better soon.