Women and Car Maintenance

Good morning everyone! We are getting closer to the weekend! Our weather is being totally wacky! Last week an ice & freezing rain storm and today…rainy but temps near 60…what? Yeah! Ugh!!! Old man winter needs to make up his mind on what season of the year it is!

Today’s Topic: How many of you are great at your car’s maintenance? I mean, how many of you can check the oil, add new oil, change a tire, inflate the tires and even change out your windshield wipers when they need replace? For me..honestly…NONE of that! I am a pampered chic and sadly, I wouldn’t know how to accomplish any of those tasks…NONE. Hell, I don’t even pump gas and always go to a full service gas station! LOL Geesh, I need to get hubby to give me a few lessons!

We had a few giveaways close late last night so we do have winners to announce this morning. As always, we spend time every morning validating entries, trashing out the cheater entries and then randomly select a winner using random.org. We then double check that persons entry to make sure it’s legit and then finalize it.

Winner of the TURBO DVD: Ashley Sifers
Winner of the Berkshire Blanket: Jessica Nipper

Congratulations to both winners! I will be sending out the emails shortly. Have a great Thursday!