Beyond the Fence – Discovering Your Town with Your Dog

Disclaimer: I was compensated by the advertiser to write this post. I was provided with the subject matter to write about but the thoughts, opinions and words are 100% mine.

Break your dog out his routine this winter season. Dog Fence DIY encourages exploration beyond the fence!

If you have been reading our blog for a while then chances are you know all about my dog Louie. He is our mascot and has the tough job of reviewing for us now and then. He is a very important part of our family and is literally my husbands best friend. Well, after me anyway, although sometimes I wonder… But those two are inseparable. They sleep together and when we go places, Lou is always right at the door, waiting to go for a ride. Going for a ride is his favorite thing to do so we try and accommodate him as often as possible.
Lou Car ride copyright
Louie is a creature of habit, as I think most dogs are. He is a funny guy with plenty of loveable quirks. At certain times of the evening, he will tell you when it is time for dinner, time for bed and even time to go for his ride. He sits and stares at you to get your attention, then walks down the hall a bit and turns to see if you are coming. If you are not, he does it all again. He is a riot. Say the word “Ride” and he gets very excited.

One of Lou’s favorite things to do is to run around at the closed Air Force Base near our home. It has plenty of smells and lots of grass for him to run and play. At least 5 days a week, we take Lou for his ride and let him play in the grass. He has one lot that is his alone and he will run around it until he tires out. Then it is back in the car for his ride around town.

Louie loves people so hanging his head out the window and watching everyone makes him happy. When we pull up to stop lights, his head is out looking at everyone in the cars next to us. So many people will point, laugh and talk to Louie and his smile just gets bigger! At a drive through, his head is right there – just waiting for a pat or a scrub behind the ears or even a smile. Because the window of the car is so close to a drive through window, some people get a bit nervous! But Louie loves everyone and just loves to make people smile when they see his sweet face and wagging tail.

There are plenty of places we go to that love to give Louie a treat or two, like our car wash and local coffee shop. We have even had folks run out of a building and stop us so they can pet him and offer a treat. He is so spoiled!

Louie also used to be a part of the Police Cadet program here in town when our family was involved. The kids loved to play with him and take him on walks. He would hang out in the car while the kids worked their details and the kids would like to take their breaks with Lou. Still today some of the kids come by the house to visit him. He is quite famous around his town and he knows it!

We love to make our Louie happy so as often as we can take him with us on errands or just for his “ride”, he is welcome to go. He has even come on vacations with us and is a pretty good traveler too! Louie is a huge part of our family and there is nothing we wouldn’t do for him and his fun drives around town are an easy way to make him a happy guy!