5 Ways to Stay Hydrated in the HOT Summer Heat

5 Ways to Stay Hydrated in the HOT Summer Heat

When we are laughing and playing in the sun we don’t think of much else. But, even if you don’t think about anything else, remember that keeping up your fluid intake is important. The summer months are a time to get outdoors and breathe the fresh air and have a bit of fun. But, some people don’t pay attention to the heat when it is warm, especially children. We have to do that for them.

In the heat, we need to be diligent in watching what we drink so we do not get dehydrated. There are many heat-related deaths each year. And, it’s not only the elderly and children that have to be careful. Anyone can be affected by too much heat and too little fluids. So, if you need to be outside, remember to keep some form of hydration close at hand and available at all times for the kids. Check out these easy tips.

Five Ways to Stay Hydrated in Warm Weather

1. Drink water before, during and after a workout – When the weather gets warm, you’ll lose even more fluid through sweat during a workout, indoors or out. Drink at least two or three glasses of water before a workout and eight ounces for each 15 minutes that you exercise. Afterwards, recharge those cells with another glass or two of water. It quenches your thirst like no other drink. Another way of staying hydrated is an electrolyte supplement. These are great if you’re someone who struggles and forgets to drink water.

2. Eat fresh fruit – Fruit has high water content. It is one way to increase your intake of fluids, especially if you don’t like drinking a lot of water. For a treat, freeze a fruit, like grapes, and then munch on them as a cooler when hanging out outdoors.

3. Avoid drinks that steal water from your body – One thing to avoid is drinking caffeine and alcohol. Both can dehydrate your body. If you want something more than water, try using drink mix sticks or lemon and a sprig of mint.

4. Have a sports drink after heavy prolonged exercise – The body doesn’t just lose water but also electrolytes. Too much heat without replenishment of sodium and potassium can lead to an electrolyte imbalance in the tissues, which is serious. Choose a drink that is low on sugar but high in the electrolytes that you need.

5. Drink throughout the day – Even if you are not participating in organized activity, you are still moving around outdoors so the heat can affect you. Keep a bottle of water with you at all times. It can also help you eat less. Most of the time when we eat, it is not actually hunger but thirst that we suffer from.

Water is important to every living thing and that includes you. During warm weather, stay hydrated for a long healthy summer.

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  1. Julie Wood says

    Very good tips like drinking your water during the day and not waiting until you are thirsty because that means you could be dehydrated. And eating fruit in the hot weather because it has a lot of water in it. Great tips, thanks!

  2. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    These are good tips and I love the idea of freezing the fruit. You can take it along and it will be so nice and cold after any activity.

  3. Another thing to remember: swimming is exercise. I teach a swimming class and I’m always after my students to bring a big bottle of water to the pool and drink it before, during and after.

  4. These are great tips and I really like that eat fruit tip I love water so I like drinking it I have a bottle of water beside me right now as I am typing this.

  5. There are some really great tips. I definitely know the importance of drinking water. But I have to admit I have a hard time drinking it unless I’m really thirsty so I like that you include other tips eating fresh fruit, which I LOVE.

  6. Sherry Compton says

    Water. Water. And more water. The heat and exertion can really zap you. Keep drinking whether or not you feel thirsty. It’s important to make sure you are staying hydrated. Melons and cucumbers have a high water content which also helps.

    I’m glad you brought up about needing electrolytes. We learned that the hard way with my daughter. Her electrolyte levels were way off, and it caused some problems. It’s just a good thing to keep in mind.