My Sister is Pregnant!
Do you all remember me telling you about my sister who recently moved to Texas? Well, she just called me and guess what? She is pregnant with baby #4 and is due in early December. Yeah!!!
Crystal and Dan are really excited that they are expecting child #4 and are currently looking for the best 3D ultrasound. They plan on getting a little look at their new bundle of joy in early August.
I remember when my daughter had her 3D ultrasound almost 4 years ago and wow, you can really see a lot with those! It is amazing the details that can be picked up and photographed with them. I still have a framed ultrasound photo of my Grand-Wee-One sitting on my desk in my home office.
I asked Crystal today if she was hoping for a boy or a girl and her reply was: “We are hoping for twins!” That would be pretty cool if she was expecting twins since twins run pretty high in our family. It has always been her dream to raise twins so maybe this time around…her dream will come true.
They are planning on coming back to Pennsylvania for Thanksgiving to be with the family so I think I will plan a nice surprise baby shower for the day before turkey day. That should totally catch her off-guard!
She has been really blessed this year with getting a new job, moving to a new state, buying a new home and now…she is expecting baby #4. Wow, that’s a lot of blessing for one year and it’s only July!
I am hoping I can save up enough money and maybe I can fly out there in early December and be with her for the delivery. That would be really cool and then I could stay for two to three weeks and help out once her and the baby come home. Maybe my hubby will treat me to an early Christmas gift by sending me out there for a few weeks to be with her.
Right now she is having a lot of “all day” sickness and hasn’t been feeling too well. I think I will go out shopping and buy her a few gifts and send them out there next week to just brighten her day.
Well there you have it, our big family news for this week! Congratulations Crystal and Dan!