Tag: Wordless Wednesday

Almost Wordless Wednesday – Its Yoda!

I found this awesome picture my son took while we were touring San Fran several months ago. We had stopped at Lucas Films and their Industrial Light & Magic headquarters in the Presidio. They have made hundreds of films such as Star Trek and Star 

The Wonders of the Atlantic Ocean

Hello everyone!!! Guess what? I am on vacation with the family and down at the Jersey shore! Yay!!! Usually we go down to our condo a few times a year but as you all know…I had hip surgery in late April and was on traveling 

The Countdown Has Begun – Vacation to the Beach!

 Shelly on the beach

It’s that time again…yes, another “Almost” Wordless Wednesday post! While many of you may wonder why we don’t do ours as wordless and today I am going to tell you why. By not including any text with our Wordless Wednesday posts, it does nothing for our SEO and search results on the major search engines…hence we always do ours as “Almost” wordless Wednesday. Now onto my post!

As some of you know, my husband and I own a vacation condo down at the Jersey Shore and usually go down 4 to 5 times a year to enjoy it. When we are not down there, we rent it out to some of our family & friends since we can’t be down there as often as we would like.

This year we haven’t been down at all because of my total hip replacement surgery and I have been on heavy traveling restrictions. Well, that is all about to change! We are going to take 2 weeks off for vacation and will be leaving the Sunday before Labor Day and going to enjoy a full 14 days off! We are going to spend 10 days down at the condo & then 4 days at home as a staycation to get some of our Fall house projects done.

I am really looking forward to this because I haven’t had a vacation since September of last year! Boo! Last year I had 5 vacations and so far this year, NONE. That really sucks but like I said, that is about to change! Then in October we are going with my cousins to Gettysburg for 4 days and going to tour the battlefields which I haven’t done since I was a kid.

So there you have it…a photograph of me sitting on the beach in front of our condo…and my big bootay is going to sit there again in less than a month!


Travel: Get A Room With a View

A few weeks ago, I was able to go and visit a dear friend for a few day in Oregon. Her husband had passed away and she needed some help with the house and other things. I was happy to be able to stay at 

Bird Watching: 2 Day Old Baby Birds

Last week I shared a photo here on our blog & on our Facebook page of a bird’s nest with 3 little Robin’s eggs and 1 hatchling. Well today…I am sharing another photo and in this one you will see that 3 of the 4 

Bird Watching: Newly Hatched Baby Robins

1 Day Old Baby Robin - Two Classy Chics Blog
1 Day Old Baby Robin – Two Classy Chics Blog

For the past 10 to 12 years I have really been into bird watching and I love it when I find a new bird’s nest in my backyard with tiny little eggs in it. Well, we spotted this Robin’s nest about 2 1/2 weeks ago and low and behold…there were eggs in it!

Yesterday when we checked the nest (mom was out hunting for her next meal) we discovered that one of the baby robins hatched! Yay!!! Hubby thinks it looks ugly all naked like that but I think the new baby looks adorable. Don’t you?

From past experience, these babies don’t hang around for long. Within 12 to 14 days they will fledge the nest and be gone. They double their size and double their feathers every day…you would be amazed at how quickly they develop. So, within 12 to 14 days, this little baby will be gone and out in the adult world fending for himself.

Well there you have it…another “Almost” Wordless Wednesday post here on the Classy Chics blog. Do any of you enjoy bird watching? If so, what are some of your favorite types of birds to watch?

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Beautiful Old Buildings

I love old buildings and architecture, don’t you? It is so interesting to see it up close and personal and I make a point of seeing old buildings as much as I can. Yes, the new ones are pretty but the old ones have so 

Winter Storm Nemo Hits Pennsylvania

Last Friday the east coast braced for another nasty winter storm and this time around…his name was NEMO. While New England got the blizzard Nemo here in Pennsylvania we got just the winter storm Nemo. (thank goodness as I certainly couldn’t handle a blizzard right