Tag: winners

Winners for November 13th, 2012

Good Morning Everyone! We have been experiencing some “weird” weather here in PA the past few days! I think Mother Nature is confused on which season it is! We had clouds and rains for 11 days, then 2 1/2 days of glorious sunshine and mild temps 

Winners for November 9th, 2012

Good morning everyone! TGIF ~ Happy Friday Morning!!! I woke up this morning to glorious sunshine! The sun is back in PA…after not seeing the sun for 12 days, it was a welcomed sight this morning! wootwoot! It is amazing how the sunshine can cheer 

Winners for November 8th, 2012

Good morning everyone! Happy Thursday! Last night the North East got hit with a Nor’ Easter winter storm and well, here in PA we really got lucky! We only had snow flurries and now they are outta here! Yeah!!! However, I saw that parts of NJ got quite a bit of snow and that is one place they didn’t need anymore bad weather.

Anyway, We had a few giveaways end late last night so we do have new winners to announce this morning. We used Random.org to select the winner once we verified all entries into the giveaway. We will email the winner and they will have 48 hours to respond to that email to claim their prize. Once 48 hours have passed, we reserve the right to select a new winner.

Winner for the KidFresh Meal Coupon is… Stephanie Larison

Winner for the Ozeri Salt & Pepper Set is… karen b

Winner for the Wild Planet Tuna Coupon is… Ttrockwood

Congratulations to all 3 winners this morning! We will be emailing the winner shortly so that they can claim their prizes. Thanks for reading the TCC blog and for entering the giveaways that are hosted here! We appreciate our READERS!!!!

Winners for November 7th, 2012

Good morning everyone! Happy Wednesday!!! I don’t know about all of you, but personally, I am so stinking glad that the elections are over! I was tired of having my phone ringing off the hook with political phone calls every 30 minutes, 12 hours a 

Winner’s for November 6th, 2012

Good morning everyone! Happy Tuesday! I first want to say….Happy Birthday to my brother who turned 43 years old today! wootwoot! We will be having a family lunch this weekend to celebrate my brother’s birthday and my husband’s birthday (he turned 51 late last month). 

Winners for November 5th, 2012

Good morning everyone! Happy Monday! How was your weekend? Do anything fun or exciting? We spent our weekend over at the new house cleaning up after Hurricane Sandy blew through here last week. Later today (this evening) look for my new post on that along with some photos.

Just a remember ~ We verify EVERY entry that comes into our giveaways here on the blog and if you do NOT complete the mandatory entry…you will NEVER win a giveaway here. Trust me, we double check and sometimes triple check entries. I had to disqualify 8 people on the Mohawk Rug Giveaway who never completed the mandatory entry. Not only are you wasting YOUR TIME here…you are wasting MY TIME and that makes me very grumpy in the morning!!!

Anyway, We had a few giveaways end late last night so we do have new winners to announce this morning. We used Random.org to select the winner once we verified all entries into the giveaway. We will email the winner and they will have 48 hours to respond to that email to claim their prize. Once 48 hours have passed, we reserve the right to select a new winner.

Winner of the beautiful area rug by Mohawk is… Eliza Klinger

Winner of the Magic Moves Wand by Educational Insights is… Reggie Mann


Congrats to BOTH of our winner’s this morning! We will be emailing you shortly so that you can claim your prizes! Have a great Monday everyone!

Winners for November 1st, 2012

Good morning everyone! Wow, it’s the first of November already and we have about 7 weeks left until Christmas and the holidays. I need to get “on the ball” and get some holiday shopping! Have any of you started your shopping yet? Any early birds 

Winners for Oct 30

Well I know it has been a long few days for those on the eastern seaboard. I am waiting to hear how Shelly is doing. She has been out of contact since yesterday afternoon. Hopefully they are ok. I know there was loads of damage