Good Morning Everyone!!! Happy Tuesday! We hope your week is off to a great start! We are expecting a major snow storm to move in late tonight, snow all day on Wednesday and then get outta town early on Thursday….booooo! Seriously….BOOOOOOO!!!! My Spring flowers have sprouted up and this is NOT good!
Note to Cheaters: It seems like every few weeks I am moaning & groaning about this and today, I am really FIRED UP about the cheaters!!! Ever since we went to electronic forms for the giveaway entries, cheaters have been “flocking” to our blog. Seriously, I am tired of it and I am tired of being Miss Nice Girl about it. Cheaters will NEVER, EVER win on this blog! Chris and I make a point (every day) to double check entries. If you do NOT complete the mandatory entry (which is usually visiting the sponsor’s site & coming back to tell us what your favorite product is)….well…we will disqualify ALL of your entries. Mandatory means just that…..YOU MUST DO THAT ENTRY and DO IT CORRECTLY!!!
About 1/2 of the cheaters we are catching…don’t do the mandatory entry at all. They just click submit and move onto the bonus entries. The other half of the cheaters will put in silly things like:
* I want to win!
* Hey, that’s cool…my dog would like that!
* Wow, I had one as a kid and would like another one!
* and many other NONSENSE responses!
You know…it’s time consuming running this blog and it’s time consuming dumping out cheater entries. With that said, we are absolutely DETERMINED to not let cheaters win. If you are cheating, we do KNOW about it and we will DELETE your entries & disqualify you. We usually dump cheater entries either as they come in (if we catch them) and/or when we go to select the winners. It is really easy to spot a cheater!
To all of the cheaters out there….If you think you will win on this blog by cheating, think again! Quit wasting OUR time and MOVE ON! While you might get away with your cheating on another blog, you will NEVER get away with it here. That is the bottom line.
We had a few new giveaways end late last night so we do have new winners to announce this morning. We used Random.org to select the winner once we verified all entries into the giveaway. We will email the winner and they will have 48 hours to respond to that email to claim their prize. Once 48 hours have passed, we reserve the right to select a new winner.
Winner for the Innovia Paper Towel Dispenser is… bakergurl02
Winners for the Good Cooks Prize Pack are…. Natalie N., Heather S. and Brittney H.
Congrats to all 4 of our winners this morning! Emails will be coming your way shortly. Have a great day everyone and thanks for letting me moan & groan again! hahaha!