Tag: winners

Winners for Tuesday March 26th

Good Morning Everyone! I wish I could say that I was in a chipper mood this morning, but I’m not! I woke up at 4am this morning with a terrible migraine! ugh! I get migraines about twice a week and they always slow me down…but 

Winners for this Snowy Monday March 25th

Good Morning Everyone! Happy Monday morning to you all! Well, I am here to moan and groan again today because….we have at least 3″ of snow on the ground and it’s still snowing outside. Ugh! As you all know…I am very disgusted with all of 

Lucky Friday Morning Winners for March 22nd

Good Morning Everyone! Happy Friday to you all! I wanted to let our readers know that you will NEVER find pop-up or slider ads here on our blog! I know these type of ads are popular on mom blogs now…but we find them annoying when we visit blogs and we surely will NOT torture all of you with those types of ads here on the Two Classy Chics!

While we all want to monetize our blogs, there are simply better ways to do it than to add pop-up and slider ads to your blog. Those type of ads piss off readers and annoy them to “NO END” so, you will never find those types of ads here on our site.

Anyway, We had a few new giveaways end late last night so we do have new winners to announce this morning. We used Random.org to select the winner once we verified all entries into the giveaway. We will email the winner and they will have 48 hours to respond to that email to claim their prize. Once 48 hours have passed, we reserve the right to select a new winner.

Winner for the Bazooka Easter Candy Giveaway is… Fawn H.

We have 5 winners for the Nonni’s Biscotti and they are: Alicia J., Dana R., Danielle P., Tarissa and Monica M.

Congrats to all 6 of our lucky Friday winners today! Emails are coming your way shortly so that you can claim your fab prizes. Have a great weekend everyone!

Winners – Landmark Coffee and Thomas & Friends Kid’s DVD

Good Morning Everyone! Did everyone enjoy their first day of Spring yesterday? It is still too cold here for me to go out and enjoy it! We only hit 38 degrees yesterday…boo! I hope this low pressure system moves out of here soon as we 

Winners Curious George DVD and Musselman’s Applesauce Giveaways

Good Morning Everyone! I am really grumpy this morning thanks to the 3 1/2″ of snow we got yesterday and last night. Boooo! As always, I am b*tiching and moaning about the winter weather again this morning. Where is Spring? I am so tired of 

Winners – Coola Sun Care Products & Toothfairy Book and DVD

Good Morning Everyone! Happy Monday morning to you all! Wow…I had a busy weekend but did manage to work several hours online yesterday. On Saturday I did my house cleaning and we had friends over for dinner & drinks. On Sunday we went out shopping to one of my fav stores (Lowe’s) and bought some gardening items, a new ceiling fan for our master bedroom and flower bed edging. After the shopping trip…hubby got busy assembling some new closet organizers and hooking up our new GPS navigator. (hint that 2 reviews & giveaways are coming for those products LOL).

I finally crashed into bed after 1am this morning so I am feeling pretty grumpy this morning from lack of sleep. That coffee maker is not keeping up with supply & demand today at all! How was your weekend? Do anything fun and/or exciting?

Anyway, We had a few new giveaways end late last night so we do have new winners to announce this morning. We used Random.org to select the winner once we verified all entries into the giveaway. We will email the winner and they will have 48 hours to respond to that email to claim their prize. Once 48 hours have passed, we reserve the right to select a new winner.

Winner for the Coola Sun Care products is… Natalie Nichols

Winner for the Toothfairy book & dvd set is… Sherry Compton

Congratulations ladies! Email will be coming your way shortly. Thanks everyone and enjoy your Monday!

Winners – Blue Steel and Cosmic Smile Giveaways

Good Morning Everyone! Happy Friday to you all! Yay! We all made it to the weekend again! It’s going to be cold here in PA this weekend so hubby and I are going to start our remodeling project of the living room. That room is 

Winners – Cheribundi Juice and Soft Scrub Cleanser

Good Morning Everyone! Happy Thursday Morning! We had a ‘rude’ awakening at 5am this morning…STREET CLEANERS have been out there with their heavy trucks cleaning the street for 4 hours now. Geesh, our streets are not dirty so I am not sure what that is