Tag: winners

Surgery Update and Winners for May 7th

Good morning everyone! Happy Tuesday! As you all know, I had my hip replacement surgery back on April 25th and it has been a long, hard & painful road since then. I spent 6 days in the hospital and came home onto home nursing care 

Winners for Monday May 6th

Good Morning all! Welcome to Monday! It was a lovely weekend weather wise here. Not terribly hot. I spent a little time outdoors cleaning the pool and dealing with it current crisis. Never ending job, that is for sure! I did get to spend several 

Lots of Winners for May 3rd

Happy Friday to you! It is a Cinco de Mayo weekend so maybe I well get some time for R&R and have a Margarita or two! that would not hurt my feelings any! What is going on this weekend for you? It is still in the 90’s here so I am looking forward to some pool time as I have not been able to swim at all this week because I was so busy. Next week it is supposed to cool down a bit to the 80’s which is nice. Maybe I can turn off the air for a few days.

We had a very busy night last night. 4 different contests closed as we have a bunch of winners to announce today! Lets get to it.

The Blueprint: Success Is A State of Mind book – Winner is: Heather S.

The Odacrem Coffee – Winner is: Misha Estrada

Good Cook Cake Pan – Winner is: Brian Smith

BSkinz Workout Wear – Winner is: Robin O

Congrats to all of the winners! You have 48 hours to reply and claim your prize. Thank you to all the entered!

Have a great weekend!

Winners for May 2

That goodness it is Thursday! That means that tomorrow is Friday and one day closer to the weekend. I am pooped out and need sleep! Working 2 peoples job for weeks at a time really gets to you after a while. At least this weekend 

Winners for May 1

Good Morning and Welcome to May! Wow! This year is flying by so fast. I love May. It has many great memories for me, like May 1st – May Day. As children we used to make little baskets filled with homemade goodies and we would 

Winners for April 30th

Good Morning all! How is your Tuesday so far? I am running a bit behind today because I forgot to set the alarm. Luckily, I usually wake up at the same time each morning… but I have been getting up early since Shelly has been out and that did not happen today. Oh well! We are on Cali time today! LOL

Speaking of Shelly, she is doing fine. Her surgery went well but she is still in the hospital, well, as of last night anyway, She is hoping to be released today or tomorrow, so keep those fingers crossed! She does appreciate the thoughts and well wishes and I am sure she will let you all know that when she returns to work. Now lets get to the business at hand – our winners!

We had 2 giveaways close last night for the Sunglass Shack and the Soft Scrub so lets see who is lucky today!

Soft Scrub winners are:
Brenda Elsner
Kim Pinch

The Sunglass Shack winner is:
Alicia Jukniewicz

Congrats to our winners! Please reply within 48 hours to claim your prize. Thanks to all that entered with us. Have a great Tuesday!

Winners for April 29th

Welcome to Monday…. kicking and screaming anyway! I cannot believe it is the end of April already! It has been over 90 for the past few days here and the forecast is to remain in the low to mid 90’s all week, so I guess 

Winners for Friday April 26th

Good Morning and Happy Friday! I am so glad the weekend is near. I plan on enjoying a lot of time outdoors this weekend. It is going to be in the 90s for the next 7-10 days and my pool is calling me! Plus I