Tag: Travel Tips

How to Prepare for a Long-Distance Road Trip

How to Prepare for a Long-Distance Road Trip

There is a lot to love about a long-distance road trip, but if you don’t prepare for it properly, you could find that it’s not quite as much fun as you might have hoped. You’ll be uncomfortable and miserable, and you might even wish you 

Traveling with Kids: How to Keep Them Safe During the Pandemic

Traveling with Kids: How to Keep Them Safe During the Pandemic

2020 was known as the year that changed the world due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Over the last year, social distancing and wearing a face covering become the new normal, as well as restrictions on where we can and cannot travel to. As we now 

How to Rent a Corvette in Atlanta: Insights for Georgia Vacationers

How to Rent a Corvette in Atlanta: Insights for Georgia Vacationers

Atlanta in GeorgiaAre you planning to take a vacation in Atlanta, Georgia? Among the many preparations to make, renting a car should be one of the most crucial plans. The Chevrolet Corvette is among the best and most exciting cars to make your vacation fantastic whether you are traveling alone or with a partner. Additionally, there are many other vehicles that you can rent from a reputable car rental company depending on the activities that you want to do.

For today, we will take you through how to rent a Corvette in Atlanta so that your vacation will be even more fun. But before that, it is worth mentioning all the great activities that you can do with a Chevrolet Corvette in Georgia.

Great Ways to Use a Chevrolet Corvette

This is a sports car that is commonly known as a “Vette.” It is a two-seater car with a balance between high performance and fuel efficiency through a mid-efficiency engine. The cost to rent a Corvette in Atlanta is also relatively affordable compared to luxurious sports cars from Ferrari or Lamborghini. Vacationers will enjoy using a Corvette in the following.

* Road trip – Georgia has scenic roadways, and this low-profile car will have no challenge cruising the highways of Georgia.
* Business meeting – If you are combining your vacation with some business deals, you can still rent a Corvette in Atlanta for these errands.
* Attending events – Atlanta is a lively city, and you probably have some parties and social events to attend. A Vette will satisfy your needs perfectly.

Corvette in Atlanta

How to Rent a Corvette in Atlanta

As a super sports car with a luxury interior, advanced in-dash technology, and aggressive looks, the Chevrolet Corvette can be found for rent at reputable car rental companies such as Milani Exotic Car Rental or any other in the city. Each may have slightly different terms and conditions for renting the car, but the process is basically the same.

* Choose your car – Probably, any company where you can rent a Corvette in Atlanta has many Vettes to offer. They differ in model year, color, and a few features. If you have the option of choosing, just visit their website and pick your favorite.
* Understand the terms and conditions – To successfully rent a Corvette in Atlanta, you need to meet the minimum age, have insurance, and pay the up-front amount needed to drive out with the car.
* Drive the car carefully – Once you have successfully rented the car, it is up to you to take care of it as you drive around. Repairing sports cars is expensive and can exceed your vacation budget if you have to pay for damages.

Final Word

As mentioned at the beginning, you have to be smart to successfully rent a Corvette in Atlanta. Actually, the best thing is to book one early before you arrive in the city for your vacation. Keep in mind that this is a car for two people, which makes it convenient for solo and duo traveling. With a Vette in your plans, you can rest assured that your vacation will be memorable.

Let’s Roll! 5 Indispensable Road Trip Tips

Let’s Roll! 5 Indispensable Road Trip Tips

So, you’re gearing up to go on a road trip. It’s always an exciting prospect to take a trip in a vehicle with the people you love. That said, it’s crucial to prepare for these kinds of trips the right way. After all, you’ll be 

Top 7 Things You Can Do at the Airport During Your Next Long Layover

Top 7 Things You Can Do at the Airport During Your Next Long Layover

Being stuck in an airport for a long layover is only marginally better than being stuck on a plane for hours on end. At least when you’re on the plane, you’re getting closer to your destination. It doesn’t feel like such a colossal waste of 

How to Clean and Preserve Conch Shells

How to Clean and Preserve Conch Shells

How to Clean and Preserve Conch ShellsI’ve been collecting seashells for over 40 years. I have all different type’s, sizes, and colors in my collection. If I had to estimate the number that I have…I would have to say 400 or more. Not only do I collect them…but I use them for home decorating and in various craft projects that I like to make. They’re beautiful treasures from the ocean once they’ve been cleaned up and preserved.

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Today I wanted to talk to you all about how you can clean and preserve your Whelk and Conch Shells that you find lying around on the beach. When it comes to collecting, I recommend ONLY taking the shells that have been abandoned by the animal or if they animal is deceased. If you come across seashells that are still inhabited by a live animal…please put it back!!!

When there is a deceased animal inside you’ll have to clean out the shell before the animal starts to decay. I recommend doing this within a few hours of collecting the shell. If you wait for several days or until you get home from vacation the animal will rot and it will stink terribly. So, how do you clean Whelk and Conch Shells? Well, I’m going to tell you!

I like to fill up a large stock pot with hot water and bring it to a full boil. Place them into the water using tongs so that you don’t get splashed by hot water. Boil them for 10 full minutes (for medium to large shells) or for 5 minutes for small-sized ones.

How to Clean and Preserve Conch Shells

Using the tongs fish out your seashells and place them into a sink with cold running water. You need to cool them down so that you can handle them. Plus, the cold water will help to loosen the sand and debris that is sticking on the shell. Once its cool enough to handle you’ll want to use a sharp pronged fork to remove the deceased animal. You might have to rock the fork back and forth to dislodge the animal. Toss them away.

Note: Some people eat the meat but I ONLY recommend cooking and eating the meat from ones that you’ve caught with the animal still alive inside. You don’t want to cook them up and eat them when collecting the homes of the deceased. You can find info online on how to cook them up for human consumption.

How to Clean and Preserve Conch Shells

After the animal has been removed you’ll want to wash out the inside of the seashell with cool running water. It may feel gritty or slimy. Keep rinsing until it feels clean. You’ll want to lay them out to air dry. Once dry…package them up for the trip home. I like to wrap them in beach towels, old wash cloths, stuff them into socks, wrapped in paper towels, bubble wrap, etc. Never wrap them in newspaper as the ink will stain them!!!

You need to clean them one more time! For the final cleaning you’ll fill up your kitchen sink with hot, soapy water. I recommend using Dawn Dish Liquid which is the BEST for removing dirt, debris, grease, oil, etc. Let them soak in the soapy water for 15-20 minutes. Drain and rinse with cool water.

Next you’ll want to get them looking pretty. I like to use a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to remove stuck on debris, algae, barnacles, etc. Rub the eraser with the grain of the shell if it has ridges. It should remove the debris. If not, you may need to GENTLY use an SOS Soap Pad. Again, be gentle and rub with the grain of the shell. Rinse thoroughly with water until they’re clean inside and out!!!  Lay them out to thoroughly dry.

Once they’re dry you’ll want to preserve them. I like to spray mine with two coasts of a clear acrylic spray sealer. If I’m going to be using them indoors I’ll spray them with one coat and if I’m going to be displaying them outdoors I’ll give them two heavy coats of the clear spray sealer. You can choose if you want to use one with a matte or glossy finish. Let them dry for 1-2 days before displaying them. That’s it, you’re done!!!

Here are some additional tips:

1. If the seashell is vacant…I still recommend that you place it into boiling water for 3-4 minutes to kill any germs, molds, algae, etc. that may be on it. Remove from the pan and rinse them under cold running water. Then continue with the rest of the steps to clean it.

2. In regards to tools that you’ll need: A large cooking pot, tongs, sharp-pronged fork, slotted spoon (if dealing with small seashells), Dawn Dish Liquid, Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, SOS Pads, Old Toothbrush (for scrubbing small spaces), Paper Towels, Cotton Towels, etc. I keep my supplies packed inside a large cooking pot, so that things are stored together.

3. If you’re unsure if an animal is alive or deceased…it’s best to put it back or spend a few minutes observing it to see if it moves. Again, I recommend only taking the shells that have been abandoned or ones that have a deceased animal inside.

4. Wash your hands several times when handling them. You don’t want to spread germs around and clean-up the area as soon as you’re done with a good cleaning solution.

5. Invest in a good Seashell Collecting Guide to help you identify your treasures. You can check out one of my previous posts to see which one I recommend for North American Seashells.

6. If you would like some ideas on how you can decorate your home and if you’re looking for seashell craft projects to make…you’ll find hundreds of them RIGHT HERE on our blog!

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Money-Saving Tips for a Road Trip in the US

Money-Saving Tips for a Road Trip in the US

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Four Great Tips for Your Family Car Journey

Four Great Tips for Your Family Car Journey

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