Tag: sports

5 Common Golf Injuries and How to Reduce Them

5 Common Golf Injuries and How to Reduce Them

Using proper techniques while golfing can prevent some of the most common injuries. Yet, even good techniques won’t stop the worst from happening. When you’re sitting at home healing, browsing Golf Club Reviews is a good way to pass the time. But if you want 

NFL Portable and Light-Weight Game Day Lawn Chairs

NFL Portable and Light-Weight Game Day Lawn Chairs

My husband has been a Washington Redskins football fan for as long as I’ve known him. If I would have to guess, he’s been a fan for at least the past 40+ years! He watches every game and tries to attend 2 of their home 

Tennis A Great Way for Families to Bond Together and Get Physically Fit

Tennis A Great Way for Families to Bond Together and Get Physically Fit

Tennis A Great Way for Families to Bond Together and Get Physically FitWhen I was a little girl I used to go out to the country club with my grandmother and grandfather and watch them play tennis. Almost every weekend they would get together with their friends and enjoyed this time together.

Tennis is one of those games that I know very little about. I’ve never had the pleasure of playing and often wish I had taken tennis lessons as a child. Back in those days, you either learned how to play at school or at the local country club…at least around here.

Fast forward 40 years and now you can get tennis lessons all over the country. Matter of fact, families are flocking to tennis and getting lessons together. How cool is that? I think it’s an awesome way for family members to spend quality time together and get some physical exercise at the same time!

Play Your Court

How many of you have heard of Play Your Court? Until now, I’ve never heard of them but so glad that I now know about them!

Play Your Court is a “Better way to Take Tennis Lessons”. They offer the most convenient and affordable way to take tennis lessons. Once you enroll, their pros will come to the tennis court of your choice to teach you or the entire family! This makes it convenient for you because now you have no long commutes, no waiting times and no club memberships to join.

I absolutely love this idea! My family often does things together. For example: we took indoor rock climbing lessons and ballroom dancing lessons last year. It was a great way to get physical exercise, improve our stamina, lose some weight and YES…family bonding time too!

Tennis A Great Way for Families to Bond Together and Get Physically Fit

Right now you can get $10 off your first lesson using our coupon & discount code: TWOCLASSYCHICS. That’s right, $10.00 off! It’s a great way to get you outside and into the sunshine for some physical fitness.

You can visit PlayYourCourt online to learn more about the company, their tennis pros and how their services work. Once on their web site you can enter your personal zip code and find a qualified instructor near you. Love that!

So, how many of you know how to play tennis? If you do, do you play regularly or just once in awhile? Do you enjoy watching tennis? Any favorite players? I would love to hear all about it!

* This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, we may or may not receive a small commission which helps to support this site. Thank you!

My NCAA Tailgate Memories #PregamePride

My husband and I love going to college football games and we like to go as often that we can. One of the things we enjoy doing is participating in the various tailgating activities. Have any of you ever gone to a NCAA game before? 

Degree Men & Walgreens Celebrate the U.S. Men’s Soccer Team

Have you been following the 2014 FIFA World Cup? We are big fans of the game of soccer here in the Hill house and have been watching very closely. So far, team U.S.A. is off to a great start and we loved that they grabbed 

Learn How to Play the Game of Tennis

When my husband was younger he loved to play tennis. Matter of fact, he spent 2 years on his high school’s tennis team. After he graduated from college he was in a car accident and had to give up the game due to health limitations. Now he enjoys watching tennis on TV or being played at the local high school.

For those of you who are looking to learn how to play or looking for tips on how to better your game, you have got to check out Oncourt Offcourt. The site is loaded with all kinds of great information and you can watch instructional tennis videos to help you learn the game.

Check out this video – Tennis Practice – How to learn the mindset of coming to the net above. It is fantastic! Hubby loved watching it and it is a really well-done instructional video.

So, head on over there and take a look around. If you know anyone who enjoys this game or wants to learn to play, make sure you share the information with them too!

“This post was created in partnership with eAccountable. All opinions are my own.”

* This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, we may or may not receive a small commission which helps to support this site. Thank you!

Men’s Golf Glove By Bionic Gloves

Today I would like to introduce you to a company called Bionic Gloves where you find a variety of gloves for men, women and children. Now when you think of gloves, I don’t want you to think of winter gloves…I want you to think of