Tag: Recipes

Tie Dye Cocktail Drink Recipe

Tie Dye Cocktail Drink Recipe

Wine isn’t just a stand-alone drink option…it’s fabulous as the foundation in cocktails as well— many perfectly suited for Easter! Far beyond Sangria, wine is a versatile base for a variety of other specialty cocktails delivering unique and complex flavor profiles. This cocktail recipe is 

Pasta Sauce with Ground Turkey Recipe with Home Canning Instructions

Pasta Sauce with Ground Turkey Recipe with Home Canning Instructions

Last month I decided to get the 2 bags of frozen whole tomatoes out of my freezer and cook them down to make pasta sauce. In case you didn’t know…YES, you can freeze tomatoes from your backyard garden! I cut the stem out, rinse them 

Strawbunny Strawberry Flavored Cocktail Recipe

Strawbunny Strawberry Flavored Cocktail Recipe

Strawbunny Cocktail RecipeWine isn’t just a stand-alone drink option…it’s fabulous as the foundation in cocktails as well— many perfectly suited for Easter! Far beyond Sangria, wine is a versatile base for a variety of other specialty cocktails delivering unique and complex flavor profiles.

This cocktail recipe is courtesy of Master Mixologist Nicolette “Nikki” Bonkowski — a wine craft cocktail expert with the  “VinoVoss” AI Sommelier wine app and web-based search engine and recommendation system.

Strawbunny Cocktail Recipe

.75 oz. Strawberry puree
Add in Prosecco

Top with whip cream, fresh strawberry and crushed up graham cracker. If feeling fun add a bit of cream before adding in the Prosecco. Serve immediately in a glass champagne flute.

How to Make Strawberry Puree: I often make a homemade strawberry puree with fresh strawberries from our garden. You’ll want to wash the fruit thoroughly. Use a strawberry huller to remove the stem and leaves. Place the berries into your blender and process on the puree setting. Yes, it’s that easy to make fresh strawberry puree! Use the puree immediately or refrigerate for up to 48 hours. It can also be frozen in the freezer for up to 3 months.

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.

Sweet and Savory Pork Chops Seasoning Blend Recipe

Sweet and Savory Pork Chops Seasoning Blend Recipe

We make pork chops at least once for dinner every 2 weeks. To keep things fresh and interesting…we’re always trying out new recipes. Last month I decided to mix up our own seasoning blend for pork chops. I recommend that you mix everything together in 

Sweet Tart Cocktail Recipe

Sweet Tart Cocktail Recipe

Wine isn’t just a stand-alone drink option…it’s fabulous as the foundation in cocktails as well— many perfectly suited for Easter! Far beyond Sangria, wine is a versatile base for a variety of other specialty cocktails delivering unique and complex flavor profiles.  Today’s guest post recipe 

Thumper Spritz Cocktail Recipe

Thumper Spritz Cocktail Recipe

Wine isn’t just a stand-alone drink option…it’s fabulous as the foundation in cocktails as well— many perfectly suited for Easter! Far beyond Sangria, wine is a versatile base for a variety of other specialty cocktails delivering unique and complex flavor profiles. 

Today’s guest post recipe is courtesy of Master Mixologist Nicolette “Nikki” Bonkowski — a wine craft cocktail expert with the  “VinoVoss” AI Sommelier wine app and web-based search engine and recommendation system.

Thumper Spritz Cocktail Recipe

Thumper Spritz Cocktail Recipe

5 leaves of Mint 
St Germain .75 oz 
Pino grigio 4 oz

Add ice to glass. Top with Soda water. Garnish with mint sprig and powdered sugar. Serve in wine glass.

Homemade Italian Seasoned Dry Bread Crumbs

Homemade Italian Seasoned Dry Bread Crumbs

We’re empty-nesters and can never go through an entire loaf of bread before it goes bad. Same goes with hamburger and hot dog rolls too. Every week I toss our leftover bread and rolls into a large bag in my freezer. It’s a mix and 

Easy Cream Cheese Frosting Recipe for Cupcakes

Easy Cream Cheese Frosting Recipe for Cupcakes

I make at least one batch of homemade cupcakes every month. My kids are involved in all kinds of activities like sports, youth group at church, girl and boy scouts, the community center, etc. All of these groups host meetings, get-togethers and bake sales. On