Tag: pet products

SPOT Shaggy Plush Ferret Rattle and Catnip Cat Toy

SPOT Shaggy Plush Ferret Rattle and Catnip Cat Toy

Every month I purchase a new cat toy for our boy Romeo. He’s a 4 year old domestic short hair cat that we rescued when he was only 3 months old. It’s important as cat parents (pet owners) that we provide plenty of physical activity 

Temptations Creamy Purrrr-ee Lickable Cat Treats

Temptations Creamy Purrrr-ee Lickable Cat Treats

Cats…we love them! We rescued and adopted our 4th cat Romeo 4 years ago. All of our cats had unique personalities but Romeo is something very special. We adopted him when he was 3 months old…to him we’re his Mom and Dad. He’s the type 

Easy to Digest Whiskas CatMilk for Cats

Easy to Digest Whiskas CatMilk for Cats

Whiskas CatMilk How many of you have tried the Whiskas CatMilk? We recently tried it with a younger cat that we’re currently fostering. The Whiskas CatMilk is a snack drink for cats and weaned kittens. It’s NOT a cat milk replacement…just a snack for your kitty. It’s easy to digest and 98% lactose reduced. We purchased a 12-pack with each little carton containing 6.75 fl. oz.

* Product personally purchased by the writer. This post contains affiliate links.

The reason we purchased it was because the 6 month old kitten that we’re fostering is an extremly picky eater and needed something in between his regular mealtime. He’s a little bit underweight and is lactose intolerant so we don’t give him any dairy products per our vet instructions. We tried several other “inbetween meals” snacks, treats, supplements, etc. and he hated them all…until we gave him the Whiskas CatMilk.

Whiskas CatMilk

When he sees me picking up the carton I can’t get it open fast enough and poured into the dish for him. He lets me know I’m not going fast enough by meowing his head off! I give him 1/2 of the small carton at a time…so one full carton twice a day. It’s working out well. He likes it and now has been maintaining his weight. Some cats are like kids…picky eaters.

Our 4 year old Romeo (a cat that we rescued and adopted almost 4 years ago) hates the Whiskas CatMilk  but the kitty we’re fostering loves it. Just goes to show you that all of them have different likes and dislikes, so sometimes you have to try out different products to find the ones that they like.

* This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, we may or may not receive a small commission which helps to support this site. Thank you!

Disclosure: The product was personally purchased by the writer who is sharing his/her unbiased and personal opinion with the readers of the TCC blog. Your opinion may differ. Please read the full disclosure policy located on the homepage for additional information.

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Romeo’s Two Favorite Cat Treats

Romeo’s Two Favorite Cat Treats

Our boy Romeo is really picky about the food that he eats. That includes his cat treats. He likes wet food with a lot of broth or liquid and when it comes to his treats…they’ve got to be soft. He won’t touch hard-as-a-rock cat treats! 

Hartz Just for Cats Running Rodent Cat Toy

Hartz Just for Cats Running Rodent Cat Toy

Our boy Romeo loves animated toys that move, making noises or challenge him in some way. The kitty toys don’t have to be expensive…just fun for him to play with. If they can hold his attention for more than 15 months and if he’s still 

Cute Pickleball Costumes for Dogs

Cute Pickleball Costumes for Dogs

Pickleball Pickle Ball Costumes for DogsI’m the mom to a 1 1/2 year old handsome little Corgi named Enzo. We adopted Enzo when he was 12 weeks old. He’s a full bred Corgi and is as cute as can be! He’s so well-behaved and loving. He’s the perfect addition to our little family.

This year he’s attending our annual Halloween Party wearing his very own Pickle Ball Pickleball Costume that I picked up on Amazon. If your dog isn’t used to wearing clothing…it’s important that you start out slowly and do it early. You can’t expect them to wear something that they’ve never worn before the day of the event/party. We’ve been working with Enzo for the past 4 weeks.

** Post contains affiliate links.

As you can see from my photograph…he’s gotten used to wearing it. Matter of fact, he’s been wearing other doggie T-shirts too. It takes a lot of patience working with your pet to get the desired results. Keep the initial dress-up sessions short and sweet with a little treat reward afterwards. Don’t show frustration as they “sense” that and will respond in a negative way. Keep your cool and they will keep their cool too!

Where you can buy Pickleball Costumes for Dogs? Well, Amazon of course! I’ve been buying all of Enzo’s t-shirts, costumes and jackets from Amazon. They have a great selection of different costumes and accessories
at a very affordable price.

* This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, we may or may not receive a small commission which helps to support this site. Thank you!

Why Summer Dog Clothes Are a Good Idea and 5 Tips for Picking Them

Why Summer Dog Clothes Are a Good Idea and 5 Tips for Picking Them

Canine owners often deck their dogs out in winter gear to keep them warm in the cold, rain, sleet, snow, or wind. But what about summer clothes? Talk about underrated! Yet, summer dog clothes are an excellent idea as they offer a plethora of benefits 

SmartyKat Bouncey Mouse Cat Toy and Catnip Spray

SmartyKat Bouncey Mouse Cat Toy and Catnip Spray

As a pet parent it’s important that we provide exercise and mind stimulation for our pets. This helps their overall physical and mental health. Just like dogs…cats need exercise on a daily basis. It doesn’t have to be an hour in length, 15-20 minutes will