Cape May Harbor is a great place to visit, especially if you enjoy watching the ships go in and out to sea. Boats are always coming and going…some are large ships (like barges), some of expensive yachts while others are just fishing boats. The harbor can get really busy during the late spring through early fall seasons of the year. Let’s face it…that’s the best time to be out on the water.
There’s a popular seafood restaurant called The Lobster House that we enjoy visiting. If you park in their parking lot, you can see some great scenic views of the harbor behind the restaurant. On the day we were there a thunderstorm had just came through, so the weather wasn’t the best. Even so, we enjoyed being there. Peaceful and Serene, even on a bad weather day.

In the top photograph you see multi-level condos that are worth millions of dollars. They’re all waterfront suites. A lot of them if not most of them have their own pier and docks. They’re very noticeable in the skyline because you don’t find a lot of tall buildings or businesses in this particular area.

Before we went into the restaurant to have an early dinner we spot this large fishing boat sitting off to the right. You can see it in the photograph above. A lot of fishermen and boaters will dock their boats nearby and go into the Lobster House for lunch or dinner. You can dine-in or get waterside (dockside) dining. It’s a very nice place to eat if you enjoy seafood.
If you’re heading to Cape May…make sure you visit the Cape May Harbor and if you’re looking for some great seafood you’ll want to check out The Lobster House.