Tag: kid’s crafts

Kid’s Craft Project: Mermaid Seashell Compact Mirror

Kid’s Craft Project: Mermaid Seashell Compact Mirror

My 9 year old granddaughter loves to craft and has been crafting with me since the age of 4. A few weeks ago she found some inspiration over on Pinterest for us to make a Mermaid Seashell Compact Mirror. Just like most little girls, she 

Kid’s Crafts Hand Painted Piggy River Rocks

Kid’s Crafts Hand Painted Piggy River Rocks

We like to take our grandchildren out for nature walks and hikes. When we’re outdoors we like to collect smooth river rocks, acorns, driftwood, seashells and other items that we find. We collect these items and store them for later use when we need to 

Kid’s Crafts: Painted Minions River Rocks

Kid’s Crafts: Painted Minions River Rocks

I haven’t met a kid who didn’t love the minions! Well, that goes for the adults too! Today’s crafting with kids craft project features those adorable minions and you’ll only need a few supplies to make them! We made this project with a group of kids ages 7 to 10 years of age.

Kid's Crafts: Painted Minions River Rocks

Kid’s Crafts: Painted Minions River Rocks

Oval-Shaped River Rocks
Acrylic Craft Paint (Blue,Yellow, White)
Fine Point Sharpie Markers (Black, Silver)
Paint Brush, Water Dish, Paper Towels
Clear Acrylic Spray Sealer (Glossy Finish)
Old Newspaper

Lay old newspaper down onto your work surface. Paint the entire river rock with bright yellow acrylic craft paint. We used 2 coats of paint, allowing 30 minutes of drying time between coats. Use blue paint to paint the lower 1/3 of your river rock. Dip the end of your paint brush into white paint and dot on 2 eyes. Let dry for 45 minutes.

Use a silver Sharpie Marker to outline each of the white eyes. Let dry for 10 minutes. Use a black Sharpie Marker to outline the eyes (around your drawn silver circle), to dot on the inner eyes and to add a mouth. When doing the mouth, you can make all kinds of odd-shaped squiggle lines. Use the black Sharpie Marker to outline your painted blue bottom area. Let dry for 30 minutes.

Lay newspaper sheets down outside. Place your painted rocks on top. Lightly spray each rock with 1-2 coats of the Clear Acrylic Spray Sealer. Once dry, flip them over and spray the other side. Let dry for 1-2 hours. That’s it, you’re done!

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Shelly's Signature

Craft Project: Painted Raccoon Design Seashells

Craft Project: Painted Raccoon Design Seashells

Two years ago I started posting my hand-painted seashell craft projects here on the blog and so far…they’re some of our most-popular posts! I love crafting with seashells because they’re FREE and just need to be collected off of the beach. They’re some of the 

Kid’s Crafts Painted Seashells for Valentine’s Day

Kid’s Crafts Painted Seashells for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and we have a fun, inexpensive craft project that you can do with the kids. For this project you just need some “found” seashells (we used large clam shells) or smooth river rocks, along with some acrylic craft 

Hand-Painted Pet Paw Print Seashells

Hand-Painted Pet Paw Print Seashells

Hand-Painted Pet Paw Print SeashellsOver the past 18 months we’ve shared many of our hand-painted large seashell and clam shell designs with the readers of this blog. They have been some of our most popular posts here and over on Pinterest. We’re glad that our readers are liking them because they’re really easy-to-make and don’t cost a lot of money. Great projects for kids and adults.

Today’s project is easy and very versatile. You can make these pet paw print seashells to idolize your favorite furry friend or turn them into yard art memorials. If you’re pet has passed on you can paint their name onto the seashell too. If you’re not great at hand-painting, you can do the outlining and handwriting portions with black Sharpie Markers which also saves time.

Hand-Painted Pet Paw Print Seashells

Large Clam Shell or Seashell
Green Metallic Acrylic Craft Paint
Dark Chocolate Brown Acrylic Craft Paint
Black Acrylic Craft Paint (or) Sharpie Marker
Paint Brush, Water Dish and Paper Towels
Clear Acrylic Spray Sealer in Glossy Finish
Old Newspaper

Paw Print Template: We went to Google and typed in “Paw Print Template” and a ton of free templates came up underneath the image tab. We found one that we liked, resized it under our browser viewing setting to fit onto the front of our seashell and then printed it out. Cut it out with scissors and now you have a template that you can trace around onto your seashell. The image links constantly change, so that’s why I don’t insert them into my post, but do tell you how we found it.

Hand-Painted Pet Paw Print Seashells

We gave our large clam shells 2 coats of green metallic acrylic paint for our background (base coat) color, allowing each coat to dry approximately 30 minutes. You’ll want to center your paper template on top. You can trace around it using a pencil or a light-colored Sharpie Marker (I often use the silver which is an easy color to paint over).

Use the dark chocolate brown acrylic paint to color-in the paw print design. We laid it on thick as we wanted it to look lumpy with texture to it. Just thought it added more interest. Let it dry for about an hour. Take black acrylic paint or a black Sharpie Marker and trace around your painted design. This will make the paw print POP against the background color. You can opt to add a pet’s name, birth date, passing date and other information.

* This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, we may or may not receive a small commission which helps to support this site.

Once everything is dry you’ll want to take them outside and lay them down onto old newspaper. Have an adult lightly spray them with the clear acrylic spray sealer. If displaying them indoors, one coat will be sufficient, if you plan on displaying them outdoors, I recommend 2 full coats of the sealer. That’s it, enjoy them!

Shelly's Signature

Kid’s Crafts: Painted River Rock Garden Markers

Kid’s Crafts: Painted River Rock Garden Markers

Every year we plant a backyard garden and I’m always looking for ways to label and mark my plants. We typically start our seedlings in late March and try to plant them about 6-7 weeks later. While out on a nature walk a few weeks 

Kid’s Crafts: Paper Plate Circus Clown and Popcorn Box

Kid’s Crafts: Paper Plate Circus Clown and Popcorn Box

Have you seen all of those fun paper plate preschool craft projects over on Pinterest? Well, we have one for you today too! We made these adorable Circus Clowns and Popcorn Boxes to teach a group of 2 to 5 year old’s about the Circus