A gorgeous set of jewelry completes any look perfectly. When you have jewelry to choose from, you can elevate any dress or look you are trying to pull off in an instant. Of course, jewelry are more than fashion accessories. They are investments worth making in today’s economy.
Choosing the right jewelry and accessories to pick up, however, is not always easy. There are a lot of factors to consider, including the prices of the pieces you want and how well they can be mixed and matched with your outfits.
Worry not, because we are going to simplify the process of finding the right jewelry to buy. These next 5 tips and tricks are the ones you absolutely need to know about buying jewelries.
1. Know the Purpose
The first thing you need to figure out is what the pieces are for. Will you be using them every day? Are they for special occasions only? Are you looking for casual pieces or formal accessories to go along with your black dress?
The more you know about your purpose of buying jewelry, the more you can refine your search for the right pieces. If you are looking for a ring you can wear every day, going for low-karat pieces is recommended. They are stronger and more durable than pure gold.
2. Understand the Options
The world of jewelry-making has evolved rapidly. While the majority of the market used to be filled with gold and diamond, there are more materials and designs to choose from today. My personal favorite is gold quartz from Orocal. Gold quartz are basically crystals with gold element in them.
When paired with gorgeous gold rings or other pieces, gold quartz turn into this beautiful, mesmerizing piece that captures the attention of everyone around their wearers. Check out Jewlr for custom designed jewelries for every occasion.
3. Set a Budget
It is easy to fall into the trap of going beyond what you can actually afford. You always get that push, “it’s only $xxx more, I can afford it.” Unless you can really afford the extra cost, setting a clear budget before starting your search is the way to go.
With a clear budget in mind, you can limit your search to pieces that are within reach. There will be fewer items that can lure you into spending more than you can afford, but you will still be able to find gorgeous pieces to add to your collection nonetheless.
4. Think Value
Last but not least, always consider the value of the pieces you buy, especially their value in the long run. Jewelry can be sold – even for a profit – and traded, so their values are just as important as their beauty.
Before finalizing your purchase decision, understand the true value of the piece (i.e. the weight of the gold, its purity, the weight and karat of the diamond, etc.) compared to what you are actually paying for the item. You can base your decision to buy the piece on this information.
Jewelry shopping can be tricky, especially if you are buying gold pieces. With these tips and tricks in mind, however, you can navigate today’s jewelry market and find the perfect jewelry to add to your collection.