Tag: Gardening Products and Tips

Small-plot, High-yield Gardening: Grow Like a Pro, Save Money, and Eat Well

Small-plot, High-yield Gardening: Grow Like a Pro, Save Money, and Eat Well

Do you enjoy garderning but limited on space? Looking to get into gardening for the first time? If you answered YES to either of those questions the new book titled Small-Plot, High-Yield Gardening: Grow Like a Pro, Save Money, and Eat Well from Your Own Organic 

How to Organically Kill Weeds Without Harming Your Plants

How to Organically Kill Weeds Without Harming Your Plants

Weeds are a common problem in the garden. If you have a weed problem, you’ve probably tried every method under the sun to get rid of them. Some of these methods involve using chemicals that can be harmful to your plants and wildlife. Organic weed 

Benefits of Organic Home Gardening

Benefits of Organic Home Gardening

Benefits of Organic Home GardeningThe underlying principle of organic gardening is that nature is always right. The organic gardener builds their garden or landscape from the ground up, nourishing the soil rather than the plant to give it new life and vigor. Here are some of the benefits of cultivating organic produce, while living a cleaner, healthier life that is also more environmentally friendly.

Healthier Produce

Produce that has not been chemically treated is considerably healthier than produce grown using synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Because they benefit from nutrient-rich soil, plants cultivated without the use of insecticides or herbicides are delicious and more vibrant. Fruits and vegetables cultivated organically are significantly sweeter since they have more time to mature and full access to the spectrum of nutrients they require. Their flavor and nutritional content get better as they get older too. Your health also improves as a result of eating more foods that are nutrient-rich. Herbs and vegetables are easy to start growing, so try and get hold of some organic garlic seeds, or any other type of organic seed, and get growing today.


Although it may appear that using chemicals to treat plants is more costly than producing crops organically, this is not always the case. Plants grown without the use of pesticides and fertilizers may need more work, but the accumulative expenses are minor. For starters, unlike regular farms, you aren’t really wasting hundreds of dollars on synthetic insecticides and fertilizers. Making your own compost allows you to cut costs on nutrients as well. Selling your compost, seeds, seedlings, or produce to locals is another way to recoup your expenses, and if you harvest and save seeds, your benefits and savings increase even more. After your grow space is fully operational, you won’t need as many resources to maintain it, so you’ll see increased returns year after year.

A Thriving Garden with the Addition of Pheasant Chicks

Integrate the benefits of organic home gardening by considering the valuable addition of pheasant chicks to your sustainable landscape. Pheasant chicks contribute to natural pest control, helping maintain a balanced and healthy garden ecosystem without harmful chemicals. By creating a welcoming environment for pheasant chicks, you promote biodiversity and enhance the overall resilience of your organic garden. Embrace the harmonious relationship between these charming chicks and your garden for a thriving, eco-friendly home gardening experience.
Anchor text: pheasant chicks

Disease Resistant Plants

Contrary to popular belief, organically cultivated vegetables are more resilient to insects and illnesses than crops grown in conventional agriculture since they are not pumped full of chemicals. The crops gradually develop resistance to many issues since they are grown in line with nature’s design. Vegetation also grows far stronger when planted in nutrient-rich soils, because they have a good immune system and a better chance of surviving, even during an attack from insects.

Better for the Environment

Since the plants are cultivated as nature intended, chemical-free agriculture is more friendly for the environment. Insecticides and herbicides are basically toxins that contaminate the soil and water, and you should avoid using them. Because gardeners are constantly adding organic matter to their gardens, there is a reduced degradation of the soil, which can affect a large area, and help prevent erosion. Composting organic waste also allows you to keep waste from landfills, which saves fuel and time transporting it.

Organic gardening presents its own difficulties, but the advantages far outnumber the disadvantages. Your organic garden will thrive if you use established organic growing methods and adjust them so that it suits your climate and needs.

Tips for Transplanting Indoor Houseplants into a New Pot

Tips for Transplanting Indoor Houseplants into a New Pot

Most houseplants will need to be transplanted into a new pot at some point in time. It can take a few weeks, months, or even a couple of years to outgrow their current pot. How do you know when it’s time to transplant into a 

5 Colorful and Fun Flamingo Outdoor Solar Lights

5 Colorful and Fun Flamingo Outdoor Solar Lights

Flamingos are a fun and colorful way to add beauty to your outdoor spaces. They’re perfect in the summertime, but also work year-round if you live near the coast. Here are 5 of our favorite finds from Amazon…many we personally own! * This post contains 

Upcycled Bookshelf Remade into a New Plant Stand

Upcycled Bookshelf Remade into a New Plant Stand

A friend of mine had 4 collapsible bookshelves that she was going to send to the city dump. She didn’t want them any longer and I decided to take them. All four of them were stained in a dark walnut color which doesn’t work with my home decor. I decoate in a coastal and beach theme.

The first thing I did was clean them! They were dusty as they had been in storage. Next, they were flimsy since they were collapsible. I went to Home Depot and purchased some brackets and attached them underneath each shelf to make them more stable. It’s no longer collapsible and added strength.

Upcycled Bookshelf Remade into a New Plant Stand

To get the wood stain off I used a palm sander that my husband lent to me. Took me about an hour to get the stain off of the areas that I was able to use it on. I had to use regular sandpaper on the spindle parts of the shelving unit. I then dusted them all off again.

I picked up a gallon of a coastal gray color of semi-gloss paint that has a tint of blue to it. A great color to work with my color scheme. I gave each one 2 coats of paint. I left them dry for 2 days. I then went back over them with 2 coats of a clear sealer. Why a sealer? Well, to protect the painted finish!

Upcycled Bookshelf Remade into a New Plant Stand

Two of my new plant stands aka bookshelves are sitting out on our front porch holding plants and seashells. I used plastic zip ties to attach them to our front porch railing. This way if the winds kick up or a storm comes through…they’ll remain stable! I love how they turned out!

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How to Clean and Repaint Outdoor Shepherd’s Hooks

How to Clean and Repaint Outdoor Shepherd’s Hooks

Shepherd’s hooks get dirty, rusty, and grimey just like any outdoor garden decor item. It’s important to clean them semi-yearly to keep them looking nice.  If you properly take care of them they should last you for several years, if not decades. I pull all 

Tips for Buying an Outdoor Storage Shed

Tips for Buying an Outdoor Storage Shed

Outdoor storage sheds come in all different sizes and shapes. You can purchase ones made from treated wood, metal, hard plastic, coated rubber, and all type’s of materials. They can come completely empty inside or loaded with extra features. When looking to buy a new outdoor