Tag: Gardening Products and Tips

A Few Fall Gardening Photos

A Few Fall Gardening Photos

Our 2017 gardening season is coming to a close. In another 2 1/2 weeks, I’ll start my Fall pruning, digging out my annuals and getting things ready for winter. I have to say, I’m really impressed with how all of my gardens turned out this 

How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies with DIY Fruit Flies Trap

How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies with DIY Fruit Flies Trap

For the past few weeks I’ve been having an issue with fruit flies. Every year when I’m busy harvesting fruits and veggies from our garden…the fruit flies appear. This year, those buggers are worst than ever and driving me nuts! Seriously, I can’t stand fruit 

Gardening: Making Your Own Air Plant Terrarium

Gardening: Making Your Own Air Plant Terrarium

I love gardening and that includes growing my own indoor plants. Most of my weekly gardening features the past few months dealt with outdoor ideas, tips and information. My feature this week deals with putting together your own little indoor air plant terrarium!

What’s really cool about making your own terrarium, you can make them in a variety of different containers, use different plants and add-in your own little decorations. Since I decorate in a coastal and beach theme…mine is indeed in a coastal design! Here’s how I’ve made mine.

Gardening: Making Your Own Air Plant Terrarium

Gardening: Making Your Own Air Plant Terrarium

Clear Glass Fish Bowl
1 1/2 to 2 cups Real Beach Sand (not craft sand)
Air Plants
2 Mini Seashells
1 Mini Starfish
1 Mini Sand Dollar

I bought my clear glass fish bowl for $2.00 at a local craft store. You want to give them a good cleaning and make sure they’re thoroughly dry before placing anything inside it. Don’t use chemicals to clean it as you don’t want any residue left behind. I used an all-natural liquid soap, rinsed it well and then air dried overnight.

It took approximately 1 1/2 to 2 cups of beach sand to fill by fish bowl a little over 1/3 of the way full. It’s actually between 1/3 and 1/2 full. Remember, there is a difference between sand that is used for crafting and real beach sand. I brought my sand home from the beach a few months ago in a baggie. Make sure the sand is thoroughly dry before placing it into the fish bowl.

Air plants don’t get buried and don’t have roots like traditional plants. I sit mine on top of the sand, slightly nestled into the sand, but not much. Every week I take my little air plant out and use a water bottle to mist it (to water it). I turn it upside down on my bathroom vanity and let it air dry for about 4 hours before placing it back into the bowl. Don’t mist them while they’re in the bowl!

To add that beach feeling to mine…I added in a few miniature seashells, a sand dollar and a tiny starfish. Isn’t it cute? They’re super easy to make and you could make a whole bunch of them to give as gifts or to keep for yourself.

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Shelly's Signature

Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens

Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens

The Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens is located in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania and is one of the prettiest botanical gardens in the entire world. It’s a place of natural beauty that’s educational and fun to visit. Lucky for all of us, they’re open year-round to visitors. 

Gardening: Tips on How to Grow Pickleweed – Indoors

Gardening: Tips on How to Grow Pickleweed – Indoors

The Pickleweed is classified as a succulent and can be found in North America, South Asia, South Africa and in Europe. It’s a plant that grows in salt marshes, along beaches & coastal areas and around salt lakes. They’re herbs which means they can be 

Best Homemade House Plant Food Recipe

Best Homemade House Plant Food Recipe

Frugal Tips by Shelly at TwoClassyChicsHow many of you have indoor house plants? For myself personally, I have 15 in total and love having them in my home. Having a nice selection of indoor plants helps to filter the air and at the same time they add beauty to your home.

For those of you who don’t want to purchase or use a store-bought plant food, I’ve got a great homemade recipe to share with you today. I’ve been using this recipe for the past 8 years and have had great results with it. Once or twice a month all of my house plants get watered with it.

Best Homemade House Plant Food Recipe

Best Homemade House Plant Food Recipe

1 Tbsp. Epsom Salts
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. household ammonia
1 gallon of tap water

We place our Epsom Salts into an old grinder and grind them up to make dissolving them in water even faster.

In a one gallon container mix together the Epsom Salts, baking powder, salt, household ammonia with the water. I use a 1 1/2 gallon plastic watering can that I got at the local gardening center. If this ends up being too heavy for you, pour the solution (using a funnel) into a smaller watering can or spray bottle.

9 Tips for Keeping Your Indoor House Plants Healthy

Tips: I buy ALL of the above listed ingredients at my local “dollar-type” of store and they last me for several months before I need to replace them. Grinding up the Epsom Salts in a grinder or blender is not necessary, but I like to do it so that they dissolve quicker. Just my personal preference on that. Finally, you always want to use room temperature tap water!

Storage: Purchase a small plastic storage container with lid (also available at dollar-type’s of stores) and store your supplies inside it. Keep the container stored on a shelf, out of the reach of small children and pets.

Here are 9 Tips for Keeping Your Indoor House Plants Healthy. You’ll find all kinds of great tips right here on our blog1

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Shelly's Signature

DIY Project Wishing Well Garden Planter – Coastal Style

DIY Project Wishing Well Garden Planter – Coastal Style

Last month my mom gave me an old wooden wishing well flower planter that she picked up at a local yard sale for $1.00. She was going to sit it out on her deck, but then decided to give it to me. She decorates in 

How to Keep Pests and Snakes Out of the Garden

How to Keep Pests and Snakes Out of the Garden

We live in the suburbs and for the past 4  years we’ve had big problems with groundhogs, possums, skunks, snakes and other “pests” getting into our garden. In the past, we’ve had to spend time and money putting up wire fences around both vegetable gardens