Tag: Frugal Tips

Hot Tip for Feeding a Large Crowd on the Cheap

I have the pleasure of feeding a large crowd at least once a month when my husband’s lodge meets. I am usually cooking and feeding at least 15-25 people and the tough thing is that we are on a very tight budget so I have 

5 Food and Grocery Budget Busters to Avoid

Shopping on a budget is reality for most people. But it is those sneaky budget busters that can really have an impact on our grocery bill. Watching out for items that appear to be a great deal, but in actuality are not is something we 

5 Easy Ways to Go Green and Become Eco-Friendly

5 Easy Ways to Go Green and Become Eco-Friendly

5 Easy Ways to Go Green and Become Eco-FriendlyIt’s a common misconception that you need a lot of time and money to live a sustainable life. In fact, with these five tips, you can embrace eco-friendly living no matter what your monthly budget!

1. Recycle

Recycling is easier than ever thanks to city-wide environmental efforts. In some neighborhoods it can be as simple as dumping all papers and plastics into a special bin and rolling it out with the garbage can.

2. Buy Organic

Not only will organic products support the local economy, but they’ll also reduce carbon emissions because things don’t have to be shipped across the country to reach your grocery store.

3. Experiment With Solar Power

You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to harness solar energy. A few photovoltaic panels on your roof can get your feet wet when it comes to solar power; then you can upgrade as your lifestyle and budget allows.

4. Use Your Thermostat Wisely

Try not to overly rely on your furnace or air conditioning unit. There are plenty of ways to regulate your body temperature and keep your home comfortable without resorting to the thermostat.

5. Know Your Energy Companies

Get your power from a responsible company like PALMco Energy. They understand the importance of the environment, and they do everything they can to promote eco-friendly and sustainable business practices.

These are just five ways to go green without breaking the bank. Who says you have to spend money to save the planet?

* This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, we may or may not receive a small commission which helps to support this site. Thank you!

Frugal Holiday Tips for Home Entertaining

I love the holidays! Even with crazy schedules to try and fit everything in, it is so nice to be able to visit with family and friends for open houses, family dinners or just to drop by some sweet treats to friends. I used to 

15 Ways to Save this Holiday and Christmas Season

Saving money any time is a great idea and there are plenty of ways that you can save on Holiday preparation and holiday gifts if you start now. Plus I am including some tips you can work on for next year too. 15 Frugal Holiday 

Quick Money Saving Tips That Will Make a Difference

twenty dollar bill Stuart miles
I don’t think there is anyone I know that doesn’t enjoy saving money. Whether we need to or want to, finding quick and easy money saving tips that can make a difference that can be seen and felt in your pocketbook is always a good thing. I have learned many money saving tips over the past few years through hard knocks, but I also enjoy scouting down a deal and savings before I buy too. Here are some of my favorites.

Quick Money Saving Tips That Will Make a Difference

* Start with your biggest expenses and identify where you can trim some fat. If it is housing, start looking at cheaper places, or loan re-modifications. It doesn’t have to be today, but keeping your eye out for good values will bring one your way eventually.

* Food is another huge expenditure. Check out the article on 12 Top Tips to Save on Your Food Bill for some great tips to save on your food bill. Also our post on Tips for Finding Great Deals When Shopping at a Dollar Store can help you save too.

* Insurance is a big expense for many, depending on housing and vehicles that you own. Do a check on your coverage. Many people are either way under insured or way over insured, which will cost you a lot of money. Raise your deductible for immediate savings. Use only one company for all policies for a bigger savings. Understand what each part of your coverage means so you have your insurance allocated the proper way.

* Utilities are a big chunk of a budget. Make sure you use your thermostat settings to turn off your a/c or heat when not at home or set it to proper levels. Where I live, one degree warmer on the thermostat for a/c can save me 5% on my bill over the month. That can add up! Also change the filter monthly!

Other things you can do is lower your water heater temp, wash in cold water, cut yard watering times, run washers and dryers later in the evening or early morning only. Look for different phone plans, cable or satellite deals. Combining them may save you money depending on the provider.

* Track every expense for an eye opening experience. Often there is a lot of waste that can be trimmed when you start to write down what you are spending. We deserve to treat ourselves every so often, but it can get out of hand quickly if we do not track outgoing money.

We suggest purchasing the Organized Mom Budget Book. Monthly bill organizer. Bill tracker. Budget journal. Accounts book to keep track of personal finances. Pretty and sturdy budget organizer with pages to track home expenses and pockets to store receipts. from Amazon to help you keep track of everything, along with keeping track of where your money is going!

These 5 money saving tips tips will help your budget. I use them in my home. Hopefully you can use some of them too. What are your favorite money saving tips?

* This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, we may or may not receive a small commission which helps to support this site. Thank you!

Scouring the Local Yard and Garage Sales for Profit

Finding useful and valuable trinkets at a Yard Sale or a Garage Sale is the goal of every professional or amateur junk hunter. It’s a fun art and science, and there are plenty of things to be on the look out for when trying to 

Tips for Finding Great Deals When Shopping at a Dollar Store

I love shopping at my local dollar store for great deals and extra savings. But there are some things that really are not the greatest deals in those types of stores. After all, they are in business to make money too. But knowing some of