These days…we all pay a lot of money for our sneakers and walking shoes. The majority of the ones that I own are machine washable and I like to keep them looking clean and germ-free. In the past when I would launder my family’s sneakers they wouldn’t hold their shape well and would bang around in the washing machine driving us nuts. Often times they would come out worse than when they went in! I was frustrated until now.
** Complimentary product received for review. This post contains affiliate links.

Let me introduce you to the Reusable Shoe Sneaker Laundry Bag for Washing Machines that has made my life so much easier! I seriously think every home should have one!!! Here’s what you get in the set:
2 Reusable Fluffy Fiber Bags with Zipper Closure
4 Adjustable Plastic Shoe Trees
Here’s how you use them. If you’re washing kid’s shoes which are smaller in size…you can place 2 into one bag. If you’re washing adult sized sneakers or shoes…place one into each bag.
Unzip the bag. The plastic shoe trees are adjustable. Adjust it to the length that you need. Slip one into each shoe to help it hold it’s shape. Place each shoe into a bag and zip it close. Yes, that’s it! Toss the bag into your washing machine. Add your detergent. I’ve been using the delicate/gentle cycle on my washing machine.

Once they’re done in the washing machine…take the bags out. Remove your shoes. Leave the shoe tree inside the shoe and let them air dry. Once they’re done air drying you can remove the shoe tree. Each of the washing shoe bags has a hanging loop. Just hang the bag up to air dry.
If you need to “spot treat” your shoes for dirt and stains…you’ll want to do that before placing them into the laundry bag. For my husband’s sneakers…I did a little spot treating before laundering and they came out very clean!

The first time I laundered some of our shoes I did them on a load all by themselves. The second and third time I threw the shoe & sneaker laundry bag in with some dirty towels. I’m frugal, so I try to do medium to full loads every time I run my washing machine. Because they’re in that protective bag…you can definitely toss them with a few other things too.
I seriously…don’t know how I lived without this item! It has made laundering our shoes and sneakers so much easier. Plus, they hold their shape and don’t bang around in the washing machine scaring everyone in the neighborhood. Yeah, you know what I mean!
So, where did I get them? Amazon!!!

Head on over to the Teletrogy Amazon store and get a set for yourself too! These Reusable Shoe Sneaker Laundry Bags for Washing Machines will help you to keep your footwear clean and germ-free. Let’s face it…sneakers and shoes are expensive and we want to keep them looking nice for as long as we can!
Reader’s Discount Coupon Code: Get 10% off your purchase of this item on Amazon when you use our exclusive coupon code upon checkout. Enter coupon code GO9IEAS3 which expires on November 17th, 2024. This would make a great housewarming or holiday gift!

Disclosure: The writer received a complimentary item to feature in this review. He/She is sharing their unbiased and 100% honest opinion with the readers of the TCC blog. Your opinion may differ. Please read the blog’s full disclosure policy located on the homepage. This post contains affiliate links.