Tag: articles

Tips to Learn a Second Language

Tips to Learn a Second Language

Second language learning can seem like a daunting task. Studies show that it is mentally taxing on the brain, while others show that second language learning improves cognitive function. It is an exemplary skill to have a second language, and learning one will raise your 

4 Incredible Benefits of Volunteering

4 Incredible Benefits of Volunteering

Volunteering is a valuable and enriching experience that can be rewarding on many different levels. In exchange for their service, volunteers can gain many rewards, including a sense of fulfillment and purpose. Developing leadership and communication skills can also lead to a better job. If 

How to Store Fresh Citrus Fruit

How to Store Fresh Citrus Fruit

Citrus Fruits are jam-packed with vitamin C and other nutrients that a body needs. They’re a great way to naturally boost your immune system. You can enjoy them as a snack, in a homemade fruit juice, in a yummy recipe as one of the main ingredients.

When purchasing you want to look for ripened fruits. Don’t buy under-ripe or over-ripe fruits. Once they’ve been picked from the tree the ripening process is haulted. Unlike other fruits…citrus fruits can last a lot longer when they’re properly stored.

How to Store Fresh Citrus Fruit

Once purchased you need to treat them with gentle care. Don’t bang them around in your grocery bags which can cause bruising. Once you get home you need to decide if you’ll be eating them within a week or do you want them to stay fresh longer than 7 days.

If you plan on eating them within a few days you can let them sit out on the counter at room temperature. If you want them to last longer you should refrigerate them. Don’t store them in a plastic bag. The only exception to that rule are lemons. If you’re storing lemons you’ll want to place them in a plastic zipper-closure bag and store in the refrigerator.

Grapefruits, limes, oranges, tangerines, tangelos, etc. should be store in a mesh bag in the refrigerator to allow air circulation. No mesh bag? Place them in your veggie bin with no other fruits or vegetables and gently turn them every 1-2 days to allow for air circulation. When properly stored and taken care of they should last for 2-3 weeks.

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5 Tips for Choosing the Best Bail Bonds Company

5 Tips for Choosing the Best Bail Bonds Company

With tough economic times, more people turn to low-cost bail bond agents instead of traditional bonding agents to get back on their feet. However, this doesn’t mean they’ll be paying less in the long run. Some people assume that the bail bonds company they find 

Top 4 Ways to Treat Yourself to Some Valuable ‘Me’ Time this Christmas

Top 4 Ways to Treat Yourself to Some Valuable ‘Me’ Time this Christmas

This year has been one of the most challenging, traumatic, and downright difficult for the vast majority of people across the length and breadth of the United Kingdom. Self-care and the protection and nurturing of one’s mental health and wellbeing are now of even more 

How to Get the Skills to Work in Digital Healthcare

How to Get the Skills to Work in Digital Healthcare

How to Get the Skills to Work in Digital HealthcareWhen we think of healthcare, we think of nurses in scrubs and doctors with clipboards. We think of bleeping machines and the shite sheets of hospital beds. And we think of meticulous planning and treatment to keep patients as safe and healthy as possible. But the truth is that all of this visible treatment and care is underpinned by digital systems and the office staff who administer them. So you can be a life-saver too by working in these offices, in the field of digital healthcare. Here’s how you’ll get there.

University Program

The ultimate way to prepare yourself for a career in the offices of hospitals is to get trained at university. For many of the most rewarding careers in this space, you’ll need to be competent in handling sensitive, valuable data upon which lives rest. This responsibility isn’t given freely: you have to earn it, through the classes and exams you take on an online MHA program. These courses are designed to put you through your paces in all the ways that’ll produce a fine healthcare administrator in the future.

When attending university, either online or offline, bear in mind that you’re looking not just to scrape by in your exams but to pick up as many skills, contacts, and pieces of knowledge that you can. Every insight you’re able to glean, be that about software products or data analytics techniques, will help you excel in your first role in the field of digital healthcare.

Digital Skills

Working in digital healthcare requires you to have a basic grasp of the digital world. This doesn’t mean you need to be an Excel whizz from the off or that you need to be able to code, but you should be entirely digital literate and able to perform computing tasks competently and with very few errors. These are soft skills: the kind you pick up over the course of your life. And there are ways to improve these skills or accelerate your uptake of them in your youth by:

* Searching for advanced digital skills and techniques to add to your digital toolkit
* Downloading and experimenting with more complex software you might use in a future workplace
* Reading books and best-practice guides on how to use your digital skills productively
* Searching for YouTube tutorials on how to polish and perfect digital skills

All of these may take a little time, but they’re vital for any future career in the field of digital healthcare provision and the administration that keeps the beating heart of hospitals regular and healthy.

Health-Specific Skills

Next up is the other side of the digital healthcare coin: knowledge and skills that pertain to health and medicine. Let’s give a couple of very brief examples. In healthcare, you’ll need to know some basics about the data you’re working through. You’ll need to know what types of medicine are, where they come from, and the doses given to each patient. You’ll also need to know medical abbreviations and jargon, so if you’re becoming a registered NDIS provider, you’ll need to know that NDIS stands for National Disability Insurance Scheme.

While these skills can be picked up on the job, they’re also incredibly important for showing how competent you are. If you can’t tell a bone from a pharmaceutical, you’ll be forever Googling what you’re working on, and the data you’re looking at will remain abstract instead of concrete. So getting at least a little basic medical knowledge under your belt is vital for a successful career in the world of healthcare provision from the office.

How to Get the Skills to Work in Digital Healthcare

Researching Jobs

With your university degree underway, you’ll be able to begin searching the internet for jobs. You’re looking for jobs that reward you with a fine wage and those that you’ll find most stimulating. Remember that there are several types of digital healthcare administration roles out there from different sources. For instance, you may work for:

* A large public hospital with a sizable digital and administrative department
* A smaller private clinic that processes local patients’ data and treatments
* A university, college, or research center that specializes in healthcare research and innovation
* A technology company that’s building a product in the healthcare space

These jobs will have different cultures and different wage packets. Some will be more demanding than others, while some will offer opportunities for progressions that others do not. So picking your first job carefully is an important step to take after you’ve completed your university course.

Extra Learning

There’s a phrase in the academic world that pertains to jobs like digital healthcare administration: “lifelong learning”. It’s the idea that your educational journey is never finished and that there will always be new stones to overturn in your quest for knowledge and ways in which you can make a positive impact on the hospital, research center or company you’re working for. You can invest your lifelong learning by:

* Reading books that pertain to elements of healthcare, data, and digital techniques
* Attending conferences and workshops that are aimed at professionals in your space
* Taking up further study in your own time – in evening classes or online courses
* Watching lectures and joining Zoom talks about your field
* Finding online sources of healthcare information to check weekly
* Talking with colleagues and managers about how you can improve your techniques and systems

All of these sources of knowledge and discovery will help you propel yourself further in your career, enjoying the benefits of more knowledge and capabilities.


Finally, it’s always worth remembering why you entered this field in the first place. This type of administrative role has a real bearing on people’s lives: it’s a way of giving back. And that means that every time you head into your office or log in to your computer, you’re doing work that’s helping save lives.

In those tricky, tiring or frustrating moments, remembering that your job has real meaning and value can help you get through. It’ll help you drive to be the best you can be, impressing managers and earning promotions. And it’ll help you provide an excellent service to the people who need it the most.

Build a successful career in digital healthcare administration with the tips outlined in this guide, which will equip you with the skills you need to impress providers across the sector.

The Advantages of Settling a Personal Injury Claim Out of Court

The Advantages of Settling a Personal Injury Claim Out of Court

Not all personal injury claims will be settled in a court of law. This can be about privacy and saving reputations, or those being blamed for negligence hoping to pay less than if the case went to court. It will be for the personal injury 

The Things that Attract Gamers to eSports

The Things that Attract Gamers to eSports

eSports is a genre of gaming, and within eSports there are many genres too. However, just what is it that attracts so many to eSports? Well, that is what we are to consider here. You will note the different ways of representing eSports as a