Tag: articles

What are the Most Common Causes of Car Accidents in Colorado

What are the Most Common Causes of Car Accidents in Colorado

Colorado is a wonderful state to live in, particularly if you love dramatic landscapes and getting out into the wild for some hikes, camping, or other outdoor activities. It can also offer great standards of living, which is why so many people love to live 

Trends in Dating Apps

Trends in Dating Apps

Various aspects go into selecting an excellent dating app, from location and budget to dating niches and personal wants. Choosing the right app will cushion you from long-term disappointments. Yet, you cannot select the right dating site or app without understanding the market trends. For 

The 5 Benefits of Online Degree Programs

The 5 Benefits of Online Degree Programs

Online degree programs offer many advantages to traditional on-campus programs. For students who are considering traveling while studying or working, online study can be an appealing option.

Students who do not have the time or money to spend at a traditional school can learn at their own pace by taking projects home and can continue to engage with professors through email and phone calls. Some programs even allow students to take classes anywhere they have internet access.

Additionally, some online degree programs offer flexible scheduling options and allow you to work remotely with your studies.

Remote study is useful to those who want to continue working while going to school, who are moving, or who simply want more flexibility. There are many advantages to this type of study that can make it a better option than attending a traditional on-campus program.

The 5 Benefits of Online Degree Programs

The advantages of online programs include the following.

1. Flexibility

Online students are not restricted to campus hours, so they can complete their degree while maintaining a full-time job.

Many online schools, such as Point Park University Online, offer accelerated programs that allow students to earn their degrees in less time. On the other hand, there could be the opportunity to spread your degree out over a longer period in order to fit study in around your work and life commitments.

2. Affordability

Online degrees usually cost less to attend than traditional degrees because they don’t include room, board, and other expenses associated with on-campus programs.

Being able to do a degree qualification with a lower cost of living, anywhere in the world, such as in the States or Europe, can make it a very attractive option to be around.

3. A Flexible Schedule

Online students who have scheduling conflicts can take programs whenever they choose and do their assignments whenever they choose. They are not limited to the times that their classes are offered or the times that their professors are available.

Break and work at your own pace; you will achieve your goals faster and have more free time for projects.

4. Degree Qualification Level

One important consideration for prospective students is the type of classes offered by the school.

Some schools only offer graduate-level programs and do not offer any undergraduate-level classes, whereas others may have more undergraduate than graduate offerings.

5. Enjoy Your Surroundings

Students who invest in remote learning have the option of being anywhere while they learn.

That means they can enjoy studying while traveling, or they can organize their time so that they can study and keep on top of family and home commitments at the same time.


Online degree programs are a good option for students who are looking to travel while they study.

Online classes give students flexibility, affordability, and the ability to enjoy studying around their existing commitments.

Each student will have different considerations when choosing an online program.

It’s important that prospective students identify their priorities before choosing an online school to ensure that their needs are met and that they will be satisfied with the choice they’ve made.

When you’re ready to get started with your online education, a quick Google search for a term like “project management courses NZ” should give you some direction.

4 Simple Ways to Cure Boredom

4 Simple Ways to Cure Boredom

Everybody gets bored from time to time and (as you will most likely able to appreciate) boredom is no fun. Sitting around having nothing to do or no means of entertaining yourself can be extremely dull. However, not to fear, this article will equip you 

The History of Mother’s Day

The History of Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is a day of the year when mothers throughout the world are honoured, although exactly how this is done differs from country to country. Here in the UK, the exact date of the celebration actually changes each and every year due to it 

Is Your Family Growing? 4 Vehicle Safety Features You Can’t Live Without

Is Your Family Growing? 4 Vehicle Safety Features You Can’t Live Without

As families grow, it’s inevitable that eventually, you’ll need to consider upgrading to a larger vehicle. And with so many to choose from, it can be a bit overwhelming to narrow down the one that’s right for your family.

Before you get down to the fun part of new-car shopping, let’s take a look at some of the most important safety features that are considered “must-haves” when it comes to purchasing your next family vehicle. After all, when it comes to the safety of your little ones (and big kids), sacrificing safety just isn’t going to cut it.

4 Vehicle Safety Features You Can’t Live Without

Must-Have Safety Features

* High Crash Rating

No matter what safety features you’re looking for, you’ll need to make sure they all add up to a “good” rating according to criteria established by the Insurance Institute For Highway Safety.

The IIHS conducts thorough research alongside the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in order to ensure vehicles are fabricated as safely as possible. You know those commercials you see with the crash test dummies? That’s what we’re talking about here. For your family’s safety, anything less than “good” simply isn’t good enough.

* Automatic Crash Notification

Automatic crash notification is exactly what it sounds like. If you or a member of your family find yourself in a moderate to a severe accident, in which the airbag system is triggered, this system will automatically notify emergency responders that your vehicle’s passengers might be in danger.

Not only will it send your GPS location on your behalf, but it will also activate other safety features, such as unlocking your doors and turning on your hazards. We have enough to worry about as parents, so having fewer things to worry about in the event of an accident goes a long way.

* Full-Surround Airbags

Second to seatbelts, airbags are the most important safety feature option available in vehicles today. Front airbags are standard in every vehicle, but for families, you’ll want a few extra layers of added protection.

Look for a vehicle that comes equipped with side-impact, and front and side curtain airbags. Curtain airbags drop from the ceiling while side-impact airbags are designed to pop out of the back and sides of seats to protect rear passengers.

* Electronic Stability Control

In addition to advanced airbag systems, consider purchasing a vehicle that is in tune with its driver. ESC, or electronic stability control, is a feature that allows your vehicle to make corrections on your behalf.

The IIHS gives this feature credit for reducing fatality rates in single-vehicle crashes by 49%. That’s a 49% higher chance of survival if you hit a deer or come across black ice while traveling with your family, for example. Those odds alone make this feature a must-have.

4 Vehicle Safety Features You Can’t Live Without

Top Picks

There is no shortage of vehicles that have the features mentioned, but in case you were wondering, here’s a compilation of some of the top-rated cars available on the market.

Best Car
Nissan Altima
Subaru Legacy
Kia Stinger
Best SUV
Nissan Rogue
Toyota Highlander
Ford Explorer
Best Minivan
Chrysler Pacifica
Honda Odyssey
Toyota Sienna

Other Considerations

* In addition to protection for your loved ones, car insurance companies factor safety features into your final rate. The more features your vehicle has, the lower your rate will be. Who doesn’t like to save money on car insurance?

* Front airbags, child LATCH systems, ESC, and seatbelts are features that are required by law. You won’t find a vehicle manufactured in the last decade that doesn’t come with these features.

* Seatbelts are the number one most important safety feature…but they don’t help if you’re not wearing them. Take care to enforce this rule with EVERY person in your vehicle. It really is a matter of life and death

* Know the law when it comes to your children’s safety. Children under the age of two should remain rear-facing as long as possible. Kids under the age of 12 do not belong in the front seat unless your vehicle doesn’t have a back seat. In this case, the airbag should be off and the seat moved back as far as possible.

* Child safety seats aren’t just convenient, they’re required. Familiarize yourself with safety seat recommendations and don’t cut corners. Improper restraint accounts for nearly 35% of all vehicle fatalities among children under 12.

This guide is not comprehensive, but it offers valuable insight on how you can protect your family in the unfortunate event of a motor vehicle accident. Know the laws in your state and do your part to protect your most valuable asset: your children.

The Top 4 Unique Ways To Say “I Love You”

The Top 4 Unique Ways To Say “I Love You”

There is never a perfect time to let a special someone know how you feel about him or her. Any day throughout the year is an opportunity to say, “I love you.” There are several ways to say, “I love you” to friends, family members 

3 Benefits of Online Dancing for Homeschoolers

3 Benefits of Online Dancing for Homeschoolers

Children, by their very nature, have limited attention spans. In order to engage a child in an activity, that activity must adhere to certain key aspects, otherwise, the child will lose focus and interest. Ultimately, walking away from the activity. First and foremost, no child,