Tag: articles

Effective Ways to Become a Successful Disciple Maker

Effective Ways to Become a Successful Disciple Maker

Becoming a disciple maker is a natural progression if you are a church leader. But it takes a lot to show the way to others and inspire them to walk on the right path. Effective discipleship is more than words because your actions make a 

The Secret to Being a Great Partner

The Secret to Being a Great Partner

There’s no answer about what it means to be a great partner. However, if your relationship has been suffering in recent times, it may be time to step back and evaluate what changes need to be made to save the relationship. Naturally, all relationships go 

Dating Coach and Author Evan Marc Katz Reveals 9 Signs That a Guy Likes You

Dating Coach and Author Evan Marc Katz Reveals 9 Signs That a Guy Likes You

9 Signs That a Guy Likes YouMen are hard to read, particularly when it comes to dating. So, how can you tell whether a guy wants you enough to be someone special?

Fortunately, dating coach and author Evan Marc Katz has some pointers to determine if a guy likes you. Here are some specific signs to help you figure out how he truly feels.

He plans for the next date.

If a guy is so into you that he arranges another date before your date is over, it’s a good sign he’s genuinely interested.

As dating coach Evan Marc Katz teaches in Love U, a dating program for smart, successful women, it’s what occurs after the date that reveals the whole tale of whether he’s into you.

He usually compliments you.

Most men who appreciate a woman will tell her she looks or smells lovely. He may also compliment your character or intelligence. He might also tell you he hasn’t met someone like you in a long time.

His compliments may help you gain confidence. When a guy can’t stop talking about his inner thoughts, it’s a good sign.

Genuine compliments may not ensure a man wants to be in a relationship with you, but they indicate he notices you.

He brings you to meet his friends.

Many guys separate their romantic life from the rest of their lives. But if you’ve been dating him for months and haven’t met his social circle, there must be something wrong.

A man who introduces you to his pals is revealing a few things to you:

* He is proud of you.
* He admires you.
* He views you as a part of his life.
* He wants you to be with him even while he’s doing manly things.

This sign clearly shows he likes you, and it doesn’t need dating and relationship coaching for you to realize this.

He wants to make you feel comfortable.

Consider it a good indication when your partner goes out of his way to make you feel connected.

If he detects you are becoming uneasy, he swiftly handles the problem. You can’t always tell if a guy is “the one,” but you have a greater chance when he prioritizes your feelings.

He gets in touch with you every day.

Ambivalent or avoidant guys will wait a few days before contacting you. On the other hand, guys who think about you daily will usually let you know they are thinking about you since they want to stay in touch.

If he calls you during his lunch break at work or after a night out with friends just to talk, he calls for a reason. Perhaps he misses chatting to you or would like to get to know you better one-on-one.

He’s curious if you’re seeing someone else.

When a man is sincerely interested in a woman, he wants to know whether he has a chance to be your boyfriend. He is the one who drives the relationship ahead — that’s the allure of a guy smitten with you.

There’s no need for an unpleasant debate regarding exclusivity. There’s no need to hunt for subtle indicators the guy likes you.

A man with long-term potential escalates the situation and offers to remove his profile to be with you.

He listens and remembers the small details about you.

A good man will show his interest by listening to your story. He would pay close attention, ask probing questions, pick up on little information, and remember them for future use.

He will recall your favorite food. He’ll remember where your classmates attended college. He’ll bring up your narrative about your ex-boyfriend.

There is no clearer indicator a guy is interested in you than that he is willing to go the extra mile for you.

He plans the future and includes you in it.

A man serious about having you in his life will discuss the future and involve you in his plans.
Not long-term goals like children or marriage, but short-term goals like, “When can we see each other again?” Or him getting excited for you to meet his family, bringing you to a friend’s wedding, or taking a trip together.

He treats you the same way as his friends and family.

Take note of how relaxed he appears around you. Is he as at ease around you as he is with his closest friend?

Marriage is the single most essential relationship you’ll ever have, and if it’s going to thrive, one of the classic signs of success is his willingness to let down his guard and be himself with you.

Final Thoughts

The signs mentioned are only a brief list of indicators a guy likes you. He does not have to do them all, especially not so early in your relationship.

However, pay attention to how you feel in his company, how much effort he makes for you, and whether you feel comfortable being yourself with him.

Remember, it’s not just about finding a guy who likes you; it’s about finding a guy who makes you want to act in all these ways around him.

If you are looking for dating advice, sign up with Love U! Dating coach and personal trainer Evan Marc Katz will guide you towards successful internet dating.

7 Science-Backed Things You Must Do to Raise Successful Kids

7 Science-Backed Things You Must Do to Raise Successful Kids

Raising children is one of the most challenging tasks a person can take on, but with the right approach, it can be rewarding and bring much lifelong happiness. There are undoubtedly many things to keep in mind when raising your kids, some of which can 

Intuition and Fear: Definition, Signs, and Overcoming Fear

Intuition and Fear: Definition, Signs, and Overcoming Fear

The battle between intuition and fear wages within each of us every day. On one side is our intuition, which points us toward our deepest desires and highest truths. On the other side is our fear, which can show up as doubt, insecurity, and worry. 

Tips for Shopping at a Local Farmer’s Market

Tips for Shopping at a Local Farmer’s Market

Tips for Shopping at a Local Farmer's MarketShopping at Farmer’s Markets is a great way to support local small businesses while picking up some great bargains for your family. We like to visit several in our area to shop for fresh produce, handmade items for ourselves or to use as gifts. These small businesses need the support from the surrounding community.

Here are some tips for shopping at a local farmer’s market.

1. Dress appropriately for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes.

2. Bring your own reusable shopping bags. We like to use cotton tote bags that we can wash and reuse. This cuts down on wasteful plastic bags.

3. Cash. The majority of vendors will only accept cash. Bring along more cash than what you think you’ll need. In addition, they prefer small bills like ones, fives, and tens.

4. Don’t be afraid to ask for a slight discount if you’re going to be purchasing several items from the same vendor. Some of our favorite vendors will give us 10% off just for asking!

5. When shopping for fresh produce ask about seconds or slightly damaged produce. The majority of the time vendors keep these hidden at the back of the booth or underneath the table and will sell them to you at a bargain price just for asking!

6. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen, insect repellent, and to wear your sunglasses! On really hot and humid days bring along your own bottled water to stay hydrated.

7. Take your time and shop around. Prices can vary from one vendor to another for the same item! For example: One vendor may sell fresh corn for $7.00 per dozen ears, while another vendor down the next aisle may have it for $5.00 per dozen.

Shopping at your local Farmer’s Market can save you money, you can obtain fresher and better quality produce than your local grocery store, and as an added bonus you’re supporting local businesses in your community.

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How to Create a Good Oral Hygiene Regime with your Kids

How to Create a Good Oral Hygiene Regime with your Kids

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