Tag: articles

How Churches Can Take Advantage of Streaming Platforms

Imagesource The live streaming of church services has become increasingly popular in recent years. Churches are taking advantage of the fact that more and more people are consuming content online. Platforms such as YouTube and Facebook Live have made it easier than ever for churches 

6 Common Injuries a Victim May Get from a Car Accident

6 Common Injuries a Victim May Get from a Car Accident

When you’re in a car accident, it’s easy to feel like your world has crumbled. But the truth is that most people get by just fine after an accident by being smart. Most people are so well equipped to handle the trauma of a car 

How to Avoid the Negative Effects of Social Media

How to Avoid the Negative Effects of Social Media

How to Avoid the Negative Effects of Social MediaSocial media can be a great way to connect with friends, family, and others worldwide. However, it can be easy to get lost in the vastness and anonymity of the internet; a few wrong clicks here, a few too many posts there, and suddenly you’re overwhelmed with anxiety or guilt.

To help prevent this feeling of being overwhelmed by social media, let’s look at some strategies to help you ensure your social media experience is positive and enjoyable.

What is the Social Media Problem?

The social media problem has various components that lead to a negative experience for users. This includes cyberbullying, trolling, hate speech, and other forms of harassment that are often directed at marginalized communities.

Additionally, an abundance of false information is spread on social media platforms. This can include anything from conspiracy theories to fake news stories to opinion pieces masquerading as fact-based reporting. All of this contributes to an increasingly hostile online atmosphere where it is difficult to sort through what is true and what is not.

Monitor Your Time Spent On Social Media Sites

It can be easy to spend too much time on social media sites; hours can seem like minutes when you’re scrolling through Instagram or watching funny videos on YouTube. To avoid this trap, set limits for yourself on how much time you want to spend each day or week using social media sites, and then stick to it.

You can also use apps such as Moment (for iOS) or QualityTime (for Android), which are designed to monitor your usage and alert you when it gets too high.

Be Careful with What You Post

Your content on social media should always be something that makes you proud. It’s easy to get caught up in comparing yourself to others on the internet, so make sure that what you post is something positive about yourself or the world around you.

You never want to post anything online that could potentially harm your reputation or put yourself at risk for cyberbullying or other negative interactions.

Unfollow Or Unfriend People Who Make You Feel Uncomfortable

One of the best ways to create a positive environment for yourself online is by curating who you follow or are friends with online. If someone makes you uncomfortable or their posts tend to bring up negative feelings in you, then don’t feel guilty about unfollowing them or removing them as a friend. It’s important that your online environment makes you feel comfortable and safe.

Take Breaks From Social Media Sites

Sometimes it’s helpful to take intentional breaks from social media sites to clear your head and reset your mind from all of the notifications and images that flood our screens every day. Taking regular breaks from social media will help reduce stress levels and help keep perspective on what really matters in life outside of what’s happening on our phones.

Social media has been around for over a decade now, but its effects are still being felt today more than ever before. It’s now easier than ever before to stay connected with friends, family members, and even strangers across the globe—but it’s also easier than ever before to become overwhelmed by all of the notifications we receive every day if we aren’t careful enough about how we use these sites.

By following these simple strategies, however, we can ensure that our time spent on these sites remains positive and enjoyable! In short – monitor your usage time, unfollow/unfriend those who make us uncomfortable, and take regular breaks so we can stay connected without feeling overwhelmed!

Three Reasons to Think About Opening Your Home to Foster Children

Three Reasons to Think About Opening Your Home to Foster Children

Have you ever thought about fostering a child? Fostering can mean all sorts of different things, from providing a place to stay and family care for a child whose family are going through a difficult situation for a few weeks, through to taking in a 

Practical Tips to Regain Control After an Accident

Practical Tips to Regain Control After an Accident

An accident can be life-altering, specifically if you sustain severe injuries. Imagine losing your mobility, independence, and capacity to work only because a negligent driver drove too fast or took an unexpected turn. You may end up suffering for a lifetime without being at fault. 

Tips on Using Credit Cards Safely While Shopping

Tips on Using Credit Cards Safely While Shopping

Tips on Using Credit Cards Safely While ShoppingIt’s a dangerous time out there and there’s a lot of fraud going on when it comes to shopping. You need to be extremely careful when using your credit card to pay for purchases at retail stores and while shopping online. Here’s a few tips on how you can use credit cards safely while shopping.

* It’s better to use a credit card than a debit card when doing any online or offline shopping because they have better fraud protection than debit cards issued from a bank.

* Always make sure the information printed on your credit card is accurate and correct after receiving a new card. Check the spelling of your name, your account numbers, PIN, etc. In addition, make sure you sign the back of the card with permanent ink and make sure your name is legible (not a scribble).

* Consider using a Credit Card Verification Program that is typically offered by major brands (Visa, Mastercard and Discover). This type of service offers an additional layer of protection. It’s a special password that you set up and will have to enter every time you use your card.

* Don’t carry more cards than what you’ll need for the day. Lock the extra cards up at home in a safe place. After using the card, place it immediately back into your wallet or handbag. Don’t place it into a pocket where it can fall out and become lost.

* If you’re shopping online, make sure your shopping on a reputable and secure site. You’ll know that you’re logged into that site securely when you see https:// and not http:// in your browser’s address bar. After your done on that site, make sure you log completely out. Never store your user ID or password for that particular site on your electronic device. Write it down on paper and securely store the information until you need it again.

* Before signing any physical transaction receipts, go over the information that is printed on it. Make sure the date, name of the retailer and the amount of your purchase is correct. Never blindly just sign your name!

* Carry your cards in a RFID protected wallet, handbag, or RFID card holder. This will prevent thieves from scanning your card information with a hand-held scanner or cellphone.

* Check your statement on a weekly basis if you use your card a lot. If not, check it every 3-4 weeks for any unauthorized charges.

Financial crimes and credit card fraud are on the rise. Be an informed consumer and take precautions when you shop.

* This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, we may or may not receive a small commission which helps to support this site. Thank you!

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Learn to Love Your Life and Find True Love with Evan Marc Katz

Learn to Love Your Life and Find True Love with Evan Marc Katz

If you’re a single woman looking for help navigating the modern dating scene, then you need to get acquainted with Evan Marc Katz. He is a dating coach who has been helping women learn the secrets of successful online dating to understand what men are 

5 Scenarios You May Need to Hire a Lawyer

5 Scenarios You May Need to Hire a Lawyer

Hiring an experienced lawyer can be the difference between a successful outcome and a financial disaster when faced with a legal situation. Here are five occasions where bringing in a professional is the right move. Planning Your Estate No one likes to think about their