Tag: articles

How to Plan a Party for an Elementary School

How to Plan a Party for an Elementary School

School parties are a great way to raise much-needed funds and encourage a sense of community among parents and teachers. Depending on the budget, there are lots of different types of parties you can explore, but what is important to remember is that parties for 

6 Smart Moving Tips for Long-Distance Moves

6 Smart Moving Tips for Long-Distance Moves

Moving is more than just relocating your luggage. A new environment, surroundings, and people are a lifetime experience and a long-awaited milestone. But excitement can transform into a heavy-hearted experience if your move is not smooth. Here, planning is the most fundamental requirement for a 

How to Kill the Spotted Lanternfly

How to Kill the Spotted Lanternfly

How to Kill the Spotted LanternflyThe Spotted Lanternfly is an invasive species of flies from China that have invaded the eastcoast of the USA and spreading rapidly. These flies are considered pests and do a lot of damage to grapevines, plants, and trees. Pennsylvania has been trying to combat the problem for the past 2 years with very little success.

Last year from Spring through mid-Fall we had a terrible time with the Spotted Lanterfly on our property. They were damaging our backyard garden, trees, flower gardens, etc. We couldn’t sit out on on our front porch or back deck with those dang flies landing all over us. On top of that, we were constantly cleaning them out of our swimming pool. We had thousands of them on our property!

We decided to make our own homemade insect killing spray to kill them and to help slow down the spread. We used a few different type’s of homemade insect killer and all of them worked. Here’s how we went about killing the Spotted Lanternfly.

How to Kill the Spotted Lanternfly

1. Liquid Dish Soap Spray – Pick up a bottle of Dawn Liquid Dish Soap (while other brands work, we found that Dawn works better). Pour it into an empty spray bottle…2/3 of the way full with 1/3 tap water.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar Spray – Pick up a bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar. Pour the spray bottle 80% full with the vinegar and then top it off with tap water.

3. White Vinegar, Water & Dish Soap Spray – In a spray bottle combine together 50% White Vinegar with 30% tap water and 20% liquid dish soap.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar Lanternfly Traps – Get a pint-size glass mason jar. Add 1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar and 4 tablespoons of Dawn Liquid Dish Soap and 2-3 tablespoons of tap water. The jar should be under 1/2 cup full. Place a wide mouth canning jar funnel inside the opening of the jar. Sit these traps out on your front porch, back deck, around the swimming pool where you sit, etc. The flies will be attracted to the fragrance and fly down into the solution. The funnel prevents them from getting out and traps them inside. They will drown and die within a few minutes.

April through May is typically when you see all of the babies hatching from their winter hibernation. You want to get onto the problem early by killing as many babies that you can. Summer through Fall you want to go after all of the adults and kill every single one that you see.

We take regular patrols around our front and backyards seeking them out and killing the ones that we find. By going after them (instead of them coming after us) we’ve dramatically decreased their infestation population on our property. I think the pests will be a problem for years, if not decades to come. Instead of using harsh pesticides and chemicals…we’ve opted for a more natural approach to killing them.

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Shipping Multiple Cars for Your Family’s Move: Moving 101

Shipping Multiple Cars for Your Family’s Move: Moving 101

Moving to a new home is an exciting but stressful time for any family. If you have multiple cars that need to be transported to your new location, the stress can be amplified. That’s where auto transport companies come in. Shipping multiple cars for your 

Putting a Personalized Spin on Your Next Get Together

Putting a Personalized Spin on Your Next Get Together

After a while, it’s natural that your times with friends might feel as though they’re blurring into one. Spending time with the same people, doing the same activities, can easily leave you craving a little bit of variety. You might be able to introduce some 

Beginning Anew: A 5-Step Guide to Finding a New Home in Arizona

Beginning Anew: A 5-Step Guide to Finding a New Home in Arizona

5-Step Guide to Finding a New Home in ArizonaMany individuals and families are currently moving to Arizona. There are several reasons for this upheaval, but a mass exodus of transplants from the East Coast and the Midwest who are sick of the cold weather certainly plays a part. The desert seems appealing to many after dealing with the ice and snow of another winter.

New homes for sale in Tolleson, AZ beckon, and one of them can be yours. We’ll describe the steps you’d take to make that happen right now.

Scout Out Locations

Arizona is a big state, and you’ll need to decide whether you want to move to one of the major cities or you’d prefer to go more rural. Larger cities like Phoenix are generally more expensive, while homes in smaller communities do not cost as much. This is typical of virtually any part of the country, with rare exceptions.

Figure Out Financing

If you can pay cash for a property, that will make the monetary side of things infinitely easier. Since most Americans can’t afford to do that, though, you will need to figure out how you’re getting financing.

For the most part, you’ll need to have enough money for a significant down payment, and then you’ll need to get a mortgage. To be considered a worthy candidate, you need to have a reliable means of income. If you have a profitable profession and can show you’ve had steady employment for the past several years, that’s likely your best chance.

Find a House and Make an Offer

Next, you can hunt for houses in your chosen locale. Often, you will enlist a realtor to help you. If you already know people in the area, they can probably point you in the direction of someone reliable. If you don’t know anyone there yet, you’ll have to scour the internet and find someone in real estate with positive feedback.

Your realtor will show you some properties in your price range. You will select one that seems appropriate and make an offer. If the seller accepts the offer, you’re one step closer. They will probably want you to put down some earnest money.

Get the Home Inspected

Now, you can get the home inspected. An inspector can take a look at the property and determine whether there is anything wrong with it.

Very few homes are turn-key ready. You’ll frequently find little things wrong with a house. You can ask the seller to fix those things. If they won’t, you can reduce your initial offer. There is often a bit of a haggling process.

Close on the Property

When you have agreed on a price with the seller, you can move forward with the closing. This involves a lot of paperwork. You’ll need to look into things like homeowner’s insurance and title insurance as well.

When all that paperwork is done, you can move in. This is likely an exciting moment for you. Popping a bottle of cheap champagne or ordering a pizza might be in order.

Plastic Surgery in Sydney: The Benefits of Choosing a Local Clinic for Your Procedure

Plastic Surgery in Sydney: The Benefits of Choosing a Local Clinic for Your Procedure

Sydney, the capital city of New South Wales, Australia, is known for its stunning harbour, iconic Opera House, and Harbour Bridge. Apart from its picturesque beauty, the city has much to offer, including excellent healthcare services, including plastic surgery. For those considering a plastic surgery 

Understanding the Need for Inpatient Rehab for Substance Abuse Disorders

Understanding the Need for Inpatient Rehab for Substance Abuse Disorders

As substance use disorder (SUD) continues to be a prevalent issue, it’s essential to understand how and when people can benefit from inpatient rehab. It is essential to know the criteria for when this type of care is appropriate so that individuals with SUD can