Have you seen the cost of energy lately? Rising energy prices are nothing new and the best response is to review your energy consumption at home and see where savings can be made. Technology continues to develop and here are a few ways that you can reduce your energy consumption at home.
1. Energy efficient glass – While it looks exactly the same as regular glass, energy efficient windows are different on a molecular level, preventing heat and light from penetrating the glass, which provides an additional layer of insulation, keeping the interior warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Of course, double glazing greatly insulates a home and with energy efficient glass, you have the very best insulation.
2. LED lighting – Incandescent lightbulbs use a lot more energy than LED light fittings; they may be slightly more expensive, but they do last longer and use much less energy. The wide range of light fitting designs complement your interior, checkout the online low-input-high-output lights.
3. Solar panels – The ultimate way to reduce your carbon footprint, solar panels transform sunlight into electricity, which is saved in lithium iron batteries. You can go 100% solar and disconnect from the national grid, or install a system that provides some of your energy needs. The choice is yours. The Australian government offers financial incentives to homeowners who wish to switch to clean and renewable energy, the supplier can help you to claim these benefits.
4. Turn off appliances when not in use – We think that leaving devices on standby saves power yet unplugging them saves even more. This applies to TVs, home theatres and sound systems and it all adds up to reduce your energy bill significantly.
5. Have your thermostat tested – An old thermostat can be very inaccurate and that means having your climate control system on more than it need be. Ask a local HVAC engineer to check your thermostat and if it has seen better days, it might be best to replace it with a new unit.
All of the above are ways that you can reduce your carbon footprint and if every homeowner reviewed their energy consumption, the world would be a cleaner and healthier place for all living things.