The Media Kit

The site policy is below. Please read all of this information before contacting me to work with you.

Email for an Official Media Kit: Classystaff(at)yahoo(dot)com

Two Classy Chics Media Kit
The Classy Chics Media Kit

Started in January 2010, The Classy Chics is owned, edited and managed by Samuel Hill.

You can find me on Twitter @TwoClassyChics  and on Facebook as Two Classy Chics.

Disclaimer: The Classy Chics  accept paid ads via text links or banners/buttons, affiliate links and some sponsored posts to generate income.

Site Audience:

93% of our readers are female
85% female readers – aged 25 to 55+
77% are between the ages of 25 – 54, most with children
96% are US residents and the rest from Canada.

Site Numbers:

Average Monthly unique visitors: 14,295
Average Monthly page views: 55,259
Alexa Traffic Rank: 33,327 – US Ranking: 5,476
Google Page Rank: 5

* The rest of our site numbers & social media stats are available upon request along with up-to-date site stats and information.

Payment Option: We accept payment via PayPal Only – email us for other alternatives

Our Guidelines:

* No Refunds
* Payment is due up-front before your ad is placed
* Advertisements geared to women, moms, children, and families only
* No landing pages to porn, gambling or pharmacy type sites
* All users must land on the same page with no redirects
* Guest Posts must be grammatically correct and cannot offend based on race, gender, sexual preference, disability
* No Spam Posts or links
* All links on this site are nofollow links! We are a Google compliant site. Do NOT email us and ask us to change that policy.


To submit your product for review or for additional information, you can contact me at classystaff(at)yahoo(dot)com

All information presented here on the Two Classy Chics is copyrighted and all rights reserved. We will legally pursue anyone who steals our copyrighted content and/or copyrighted photographs from our site. Please do not swipe our advertisers and sponsor’s information from our site. We are a no swiping blog and will report offenders to our business attorney. This is NOT a hobby blog, we are a serious & professional business.