Almost Wordless Wednesday – Visiting Mom

I was lucky to be able to spend some time with my family over the holidays this year. While I planning to drive to my Dads and visit with everyone there, weather permitting, he fell ill and I had to fly there to take care 

Fun on Family Game Night

It’s that time again…for another Wordless or Almost Wordless Wednesday post! Gosh, it seems like I just made a WW post yesterday! Time flies! This past weekend our little 3 1/2 year old Princess Gia (grand daughter) came over for a play date. I gave 

Playing Hide and Seek with the Kids

Just like most kids, Princess Gia loves to play hide-and-seek and almost every time she visits with us, we have to play a few rounds of hide-and-see with her. The funny thing about that is that she “almost” always hides in the same three places…over 

Snowy Owl at Hershey ZooAmerica

A few weeks ago we took the family to Zoo America here in Hershey Pennsylvania and had a wonderful time. We are very fortunate that we only live about 10 minutes from Zoo America and visit the zoo as often as we can. For those 

The Jersey Shore – Family Vacation Memories

This week I am on vacation with my wonderful hubby down at the Jersey Shore and having a fabulous time! We have been hitting the beach every day, enjoying fabulous seafood, taking beach walks and just relaxing! When we were down in June…we acted like 

Gorgeous Grapes from Central Valley in California

For our Almost Wordless Wednesday, we are taking a trip to the wine country. No, not Napa, although that is famous for its fabulous grapes and just a 2.5 hour drive from me. Nope, we are visiting Madera in the Central Valley. The valley is 

Fabulous Figs

Do you like figs? I bet the only time you think of them is when you eat a Fig Newton or something like that. Me too! In my travels of the California orchards, I grabbed a photo of some fig plants as this area happens 

Awesome and Delicious Almonds

I love almonds and the fact that they are a very healthy nut makes me feel a bit better since I eat quite a bit of them. I love almond butter and other almond based products too. Since I moved to the Valley of California